Speak to the Wind

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Book: Speak to the Wind by Mary Tate Engels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Tate Engels
    "Well, that makes sense, this being a seaport."
    "You'll have to try the seafood soup , too. It's great." He peeked through the narrow slot above her piled luggage. “ Too bad you can't see the beautiful scenery as we drive to the beach. There are mountains on the right side of the road, the bay on the left. Flowers everywhere. It's beautiful."
    "Sounds like a lovely place to work," she said as they rounded a curve and their shoulders pressed together. His muscles felt hard and unyielding, and her fantasies of the man she'd met in the mountains returned full force. "What a good idea to come here to work." But suddenly she wondered if it was such a good idea. All she could think of at the moment was being alone with the man beside her.
    Joe grew silent as he concentrated on driving the rain-slick road to their Mexican villa. He realized his frustration with the rain and the delayed plane and even the modest little car were signs of how much he wanted this whole experience to be perfect for Maria. They could work in private almost anywhere. But to be alone in Mexico with her was the ideal, the reality of a fantasy, and he wanted it to be special for both of them. But she didn't seem to mind the inconveniences nearly as much as he.
    When they arrived at the villa, Joe insisted that she go on in while he unloaded her lug gage in the rain. Reluctantly Maria complied. She found a glass for the rose in the kitch enette and placed it in the center of a round pigskin table by a window. Vaguely she wondered about the view. Joe had said they were right on the beach, but all she could see were gray storm clouds.
    Wandering through the casi ta, Maria found it to be first class with all the modern conveniences, tiled floors and bath, a sliding glass door in the bedroom that opened onto a gar den patio, a kitchenette an d a living room. She hung up her raincoat, freshened up a bit and returned to the living room.
    Joe was ordering room s ervice by phone. "Hot coffee for two, por favor. With lots of cream." He looked question ingly at her. "Anything else? I'm starved. Didn't have lunch, you hungry?"
    She shrugged and remembered she hadn't eaten, either. "Anything," she whispered.
    "And a basket of sweet rolls," he added, then caught her eye again. "Would you rather have a drink. Wine or—"
    "No. Coffee's fine, thanks." Maria stepped around the pile of luggage Joe had left in the corner.
    "And some cheese soup and tortillas," he continued, then hung the phone up slowly, his eyes glued to her, his mouth slightly open. She was stunning in a pale pink knit dress with matching shoes. And oh, those legs! This was a different Maria from her blue-jeaned casualness in the mountains. Different, but just as fabulous.
    Eyeing the pile of baggage that filled the corner, she groaned aloud. "I see I have my work cut out for me."
    "Not now. You're in Mexic o. That job can wait until man ana." He waved her toward the cozy seating area that con sisted of a small sofa and two chairs flanking a low wooden table.
    “I’l l need to unpack them before we can go to work."
    "There's plenty of time for that. Come on and relax now. The coffee and pastry will be here soon. We can unpack to morrow. I ’ ll be glad to help you." He didn't want her to feel pressured into working right away. It was the only way he could make up for the day's inconveniences.
    "Joe, are we the only ones here ? "
    "For now, yes."
    She walked slowly toward where he sat. "You mean you don't have anyone in your, uh, camp? No one came with you to work on political moves or the campaign or.. .anything?"
    "My brother, Josh, is coming down in a week or so. Does it bother you that we're alone ? "
    Her eyes met his. "No..." Even though she denied it, there was doubt in her tone. “Not really.”
    "I came down here to get a way before the push of the elec tion. And to concentrate on our work together. I thought you understood that, Maria."
    She sat down opposite him, her hands in her lap.

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