
Read Online Sparks by Talia Carmichael - Free Book Online

Book: Sparks by Talia Carmichael Read Free Book Online
Authors: Talia Carmichael
placed next to his plate. Instead of sitting across from him, as he usually did, Tomas took a seat in the chair closest to him. Bernie reached over and gripped his chin. Tomas looked at him in question.
    “You can cook,” Bernie accused.
    “Yes. Some say very well.” Tomas shrugged.
    He removed Bernie’s hand from his face and placed it on top of his thigh. Tomas squeezed his hand where it rested on his leg, then picked up his fork.
    “So why did you lead me to believe you couldn’t cook?”
    “Enjoyed having someone cook for me for a change,” Tomas replied as he took a bite of his food.
    “Why don’t you just admit it was charity?” Bernie asked.
    “It wasn’t. Charity would be if I didn’t get something out of it. Since I got your company, conversation, and some delicious food, then it wasn’t charity. Think of it as two friends sharing meals together.” Tomas lowered his voice. “Now, it’s two lovers having breakfast so we can go to work with a good meal in us. Now eat up. I remember you mentioning you like to be in by six at the lab to do some work before classes. ”
    Tomas kissed his lips gently, then went back to eating. When Tomas put it like that, Bernie couldn’t dispute what he’d said. Instead, he followed Tomas’s example and started to eat his own food. Bernie moaned at the first taste of the crepe. Tomas slid his hand behind Bernie’s head and pulled him out of his chair, kissing him hungrily. Bernie gripped his shoulder. Tomas’s tongue stroked all inside of his mouth. Tomas released him. Bernie flopped back on the chair, then winced as his sore butt hit it. Tomas’s dark brown gaze had the hunger that had already become familiar.
    “Don’t make noises like that unless you want me to fuck you again.”
    “Mind is willing, but body too sore,” Bernie moaned.
    “It’s your fault, egging me on.” Tomas laughed.
    “Now the gloating starts,” Bernie griped.
    Tomas winked. “Don’t need to. We both know I won.” He took a drink of his usual cranberry juice.
    Bernie stuck out his tongue, then said, “So what are the two things you want me to do?”
    “Not telling you what. We’re going out on Saturday morning and will be back to go to the poker game.” Tomas grinned.
    “What time? And where are we going?” Bernie asked suspiciously.
    “Don’t worry. I’ll wake you. And I’m not telling,” Tomas said again.
    Bernie gave up asking and ate his crepes. Tomas ate and drank his juice. Once he was done, he sat back and watched Bernie.
    “You have to show me how to make crepes. I can never get it right. Comes out too heavy.”
    “I’ll show you. Have a few other recipes I can show you too. We can cook together.” Tomas took Bernie’s hand and placed it back on his thigh, holding it.
    “I met Kenton at 2H Book Nook the other day. He mentioned that you have a sweet tooth.”
    “Ah. That’s how you ended up with Harper. His bookstore is nice, isn’t it? I remember when Provenza asked Kenton to actually follow his passion of cooking and run the café. Kenton refused. We had to convince him he was good enough. His pastries and sandwiches he serves are delicious.”
    “I had the caramel sticky bun. They loaded me down with some of the pastries. I had the cheesecake and some other things, but gave the rest to Alex. Couldn’t keep them in the house or I would eat them all. They were all so good. Kenton mentioned that you and he grew up together.”
    “Yeah. We did. Mami taught all of the kids in the family to cook, which, in her eyes, included Karl and Kenton. Kenton took to it. He was the reason I got so interested in cooking. We used to challenge each other to see who could make a better meal. After we got into it, Mami would let us have our own version of Iron Chef . The family loved it, getting so many different meals and desserts. You didn’t get to meet him before Karl died.” Tomas cleared his throat, then continued. “At the funeral, Kenton… well, he was as

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