Sounds Like Crazy

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Book: Sounds Like Crazy by Shana Mahaffey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shana Mahaffey
Admittedly, the hugs, kisses, and presents she brought for us made the open-arms part a lot easier. She had something for everyone but Milton. Obviously, the delivery of any gift to Milton would have been a challenge, but that didn’t make Betty Jane’s slight any less calculated or intentional. They hadn’t spoken since that time, though. So, technically, Milton never had to deal with her return.
    “Holly, one hurdle at a time,” said Milton. Inside my head I saw Ruffles’s chip-filled hand hanging midway to her mouth, and I knew she and I had the same thought—Milton actually meant it when he said, “Let’s talk about how you can do this.”
    Milton and I both stared at his finger church. Finally he said, “I have an idea.”
    “Uh ...” Unable to speak, I finished my thought with a nod.
    “To be a voice-over artist, you need to be able to speak in the Committee’s voices on demand, correct?” said Milton.
    “Betty Jane controls the Committee, correct?”
    “Yes,” I said,“she’s the chairman. Or chairwoman, as she likes to call herself.”
    “Then I want to speak with her,” said Milton.
    “I do not speak to him,” said Betty Jane inside my head.
    “She won’t talk to you,” I said.

    “Then there is nothing more to discuss.” Milton sat back in his chair. “I recommend you cancel the meeting.”
    “Okay,” I said, relieved and awash with guilt over my earlier anger at Ruffles.
    “Now, wait just a moment.We are all being too hasty here,” drawled Betty Jane inside my head. “‘Forgive and forget’ is my motto. I have always been happy to speak to Milton. The need just has not arisen until now.”
    “You’re telling me there’s been no need to talk to Milton for the past three years?”
    “Holly, dear,” said Betty Jane sweetly,“you misunderstand and misjudge. I simply did not want to interfere. Besides, Milton never asks for me.” She sniffed.Talk about rewriting history.
    “Well, he did now,” I said. I steeled my body for her takeover. Milton sat observing me. Even though he heard only my side of the conversation, we’d been together long enough for him to understand when a Committee discussion was taking place. He knew I’d convey the particulars to him upon its conclusion.
    “Holly,” said Betty Jane, “do I have your permission?”
    “Milton,” I said, “she’s changed her mind and she’ll talk to you if she has my permission to take over.” Milton nodded his head. He’s going Switzerland on this one , I thought. He must still feel burned that I let Betty Jane and Ruffles speak without telling him. My chest ached a bit. I needed Milton on my side and not neutral. This new stance scared me. “Before I do this, though,” I said, “what’s the deal?”
    “I want to discuss a new set of rules with Betty Jane. If she and I can agree on these, then we can consider your taking the job.”
    “I thought we said cancel? I’m not sure I like this idea.”
    “Holly,” said Milton,“I am going to ask you to trust me.” His eyes locked with mine. Milton had not steered me wrong in five
years, but I wasn’t sure that counted, because based on our lack of progress, technically he hadn’t steered me anywhere.“A leap of faith, Holly, that’s all I’m asking for.”
    Well, I was no worse off than when I started with Milton. “Okay,” I whispered.
    “I want her to speak directly. Please allow her to come forward.”
    You may, I thought.Then I closed my eyes and let myself drift backward so that Betty Jane could take over. My body straightened and my legs crossed demurely at the ankle.
    “Why, Milton,” came out of my mouth in a breathy Southern drawl.
    “Ah, Betty Jane.”
    My chin did a dainty drop.
    I sat on the Committee’s couch inside my head and fingered the nail file Betty Jane had left while the kind of dread you feel when you realize you’ve just made a bad decision but you’re powerless to take it back spread throughout my

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