Sound of Heartache ("Sound of" Book 2)

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Book: Sound of Heartache ("Sound of" Book 2) by Chelsea Roy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chelsea Roy
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    “ If I’m not feeling better after the first day of school, I’ll go to the doctor. I promise.” Aimee handed the Sprite back to Eric and let her eyes slide closed. She felt Eric’s weight lift off the bed and as she drifted toward sleep, she heard the low tones of Eric and Brent talking by the door.

    Brent sat in the kitchen with his head in his hands. Aimee had been asleep for at least a couple of hours and Eric had taken off without a word. He was sick with worry and the two people he would normally lean on were currently unavailable. One thing was certain, he agreed with Eric. He didn’t like that Aimee hadn’t felt well for a couple of weeks. He knew people their age weren’t immune from serious diseases like cancer and leukemia. These things weren’t reserved just for older people and it scared him to think she might be well and truly sick. Brent knew he was probably overreacting but he was rattled to see Aimee so ill.
    His head lifted from his hands when the front door opened quietly. Eric came inside and closed the door behind him softly. Seeing Eric’s solemn face was a relief because it meant he wasn’t alone in his worry. Brent looked questioningly at Eric. He held a plastic bag that appeared to be filled to the brim. Walking over to where Brent sat, he dropped the bag on the table.
    “ What’d you get?” He asked Eric quietly. He didn’t wait for Eric’s response before he started rooting through the bag.
    He pulled out a large box of saltines and set them on the table. Next he pulled out a six pack of very small Sprite cans. He looked them over; he’d never seen midget cans before. He set them down next to the box of saltines. He reached into the bag and pulled out a two-pack pregnancy test. It bobbled in his hands and feel back into the bag. He looked disbelievingly at Eric.
    “ The hell?” He said. He wasn’t sure if he was angry or stunned that Eric thought to bring home pregnancy tests for Aimee.
    “ Let’s just rule it out man. With the rate you two were going at it after midterms, it’s a possibility.” Brent swallowed hard, a knot settling in his gut. He hadn’t even considered pregnancy. He and Aimee were always so careful. They both had so many plans to set into motion before they ever even considered walking down that path.
    “ How am I supposed to ask her to do this?” He rasped out. Christ, he was suddenly so scared he felt like a little kid hiding from the monsters in the closet. He knew wanted babies with Aimee. Someday far in the future. Not right now. But Eric was right, he and Aimee had been together a lot once the ice was broken.
    “ Just tell her you want to rule it out. Don’t make it a bigger deal than it needs to be. And if it turns out positive, don’t lose your shit.” Brent was grateful for the wise words and support. He had no idea how Eric even knew what to say in this situation, but he was eternally appreciative nonetheless.
    “ Man, how do I not freak out if it’s positive?” he whispered. Eric laid a supporting hand on his shoulder.
    “ Just remember it’s Aimee you’re with. If it’s positive and she’s pregnant, she’ll figure out a way to make it all work. That’s just the kind of girl she is, dude.” Brent nodded because Eric was right. Aimee was resilient and smart. If there was anything that needed figuring out, he could trust Aimee to do it.
    Moving like an automaton, Brent repacked Eric’s bag. He got up from the table slowly and went into his bedroom where Aimee lay dozing. He sat down next to her and gently shook her shoulder. He knew he should wait for her to wake up on her own but he needed to know the answer for his own peace of mind. She blinked slowly awake and smiled sleepily at him.
    “ Hey,” she said softly. He stroked her soft, dark hair away from her face.
    “ Baby, I need you to do something for me.” Brent hated the way his words trembled. Aimee nodded, capturing his hand and

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