Soul of Flame

Read Online Soul of Flame by Merryn Dexter - Free Book Online

Book: Soul of Flame by Merryn Dexter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Merryn Dexter
Tags: Fae, shapeshifter, wiccan, interspecies, paranormal erotic, were-jaguar
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his head in her direction, Shim smiled and thanked the waiter. He raised his silverware and cut a thick slice of the rare steak in front of him. Tilting his head toward her plate, he lifted the piece of meat to his mouth.
    “You need to eat, querida . You look magnificent in your fury, and it’s such a turn-on, but if we’re going to have a proper fight, then you need to keep your strength up.” He chewed the steak, cut another slice before placing his knife and fork down. “Eat, Ceara.” This time it wasn’t a request, and she couldn’t help but respond to the dominance in his command.
    She ate mechanically—cut, bite, chew, swallow, repeat. The last vestige of rationality in her mind said the food tasted delicious, had been prepared to perfection. It might have been a fast food burger for all the attention she paid to it. He ate fast, his efficient movements clearing his plate well before she finished, although he’d started with a much larger portion. Handing her the glass of water, he watched her raise it to her mouth. She drained the contents until he nodded in satisfaction. Rising from his chair, he prowled around the small table to stand at her back. He eased the seat as she stood then captured her hand. Placing it on his forearm in a courtly gesture, he escorted her from the dining room. Rage boiled so close to the surface, her entire body vibrated with the tension of it.
    Leaning close, he pressed his mouth to her ear. “Hold on to it for just a little bit longer.” He bit down on the tender lobe, a sharp sting, followed by a soothing lick. She stiffened her posture to avoid arching her back, pleasure racing through her. Passing the reception desk, he smiled at Myron.
    The young woman grabbed her deck of cards and dealt five out on the desk before she laughed. “You are in so much trouble, kitty.”
    Shrugging as though it were no big deal, he continued to lead Ceara outside.
    The moment they cleared the light shining through the entranceway, he quickened his pace, dragging her into a stand of trees just off the pathway. She yanked her hand away, her action so violent she staggered a little before rounding on him. He towered over her by at least a foot, and she stretched up on tiptoes to deliver a hard slap to his cheek. The blow knocked his lip against his teeth, and he grinned, licking the spot of blood from his mouth.
    “Feel better, querida ?” he taunted.
    She launched herself at him, a flurry of fists and teeth, striking him over and over. Standing firm, he let her vent her frustration against him. Her hands hurt from pounding against his thick chest, his solid thighs and arms, but she couldn’t stop. All the pain and sorrow she’d buried came flooding to the surface. Tears burned behind her eyes, but she refused to let them free. She didn’t want to mourn, she wanted the rage, needed it to keep her heart protected.
    Shim grabbed her by the waist. Over-balancing Ceara, he took them both to the ground, rolling in a fluid motion so he landed flat on his back with her sprawled over him. She clawed at his shirt, ripping the buttons free to find his flesh. Nails digging deep, she marked his golden skin. He let out a moan, lifting his knees so she slid down to straddle his lap. The thick length of his cock rubbed against her pussy through the thin silk of her dress. Incapable of rational thought, she crawled up his body to clamp her mouth over his.
    She bit his lower lip hard, and he rumbled in approval, the vibration in his chest teasing against her nipples. He gripped her chin, forced her mouth to open, and plunged his tongue deep. Palming her ass, he pressed the juncture of her thighs down, thrusting his hips against her.
    Tearing her mouth away, she scored his chest, threw her head back, and screamed. The fat disc of the burgeoning moon shone through the tops of the trees, the symbol of the goddess watching over them both. She ground her hips, rubbing desperately against the seam of his pants. It

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