Sophie's Surrender [Viper's Dungeon 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Read Online Sophie's Surrender [Viper's Dungeon 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Abby Blake - Free Book Online

Book: Sophie's Surrender [Viper's Dungeon 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Abby Blake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abby Blake
Tags: Romance
despite the words and demands to be left alone that had fallen from her mouth, he’d sensed something other than his visit had caused her distress.
    He picked up the phone before he could change his mind.
    Getting her answering machine was disappointing but probably for the best. He’d leave a message apologizing for his abrupt departure the other day and then remind her that if she ever needed anything all she had to do was call him.
    Her message was quick and to the point, the beep sounding a moment later.
    “Sophie, it’s Malcolm. I just wanted to apologize for—”
    “You sent them?” Sophie interrupted as she picked up the phone. She sounded angry and very, very hurt.
    “Sent who?” he asked, reaching for his keys, the urge to drive over to her apartment and make sure she was okay nearly overwhelming good sense. She’d asked him not to visit anymore. He needed to respect that, no matter how crazy it made him feel.
    “Adrian and Alex.”
    “Copeland? Adrian and Alex Copeland?” His voice was almost a roar, and it took far more effort than usual to stay calm. “Why were they at your apartment? I didn’t even know you knew them.”
    “I didn’t realize I knew them either. Did you send them?”
    The accusation was very clear in her tone. The fact that he’d never done anything to deliberately hurt her apparently something she was willing to overlook while trying to find someone to blame for whatever had happened.
    “No, I didn’t send them,” he said angrily. “What did they do to you?”
    Sophie went really quiet and for a moment all he could see was a red haze before his eyes. God help those men if they’d hurt her.
    “Sophie!” he said in a sharp warning tone. He’d never spoken to her like that. It was the voice he used when dealing with bratty subs and idiotic Doms. It wasn’t the way he’d ever wanted to speak to the woman he still loved, but the not knowing was making him irrational.
    If she didn’t answer him in the next half a second he was driving over there and confronting her face-to-face.
    “I–I’m sorry, Malcolm. I shouldn’t have blamed you.” She took a deep shuddering breath and let it out slowly. He recognized her attempt to calm down exactly for what it was. At the end of their marriage she’d done the same thing during nearly every conversation. It pissed him off. He wanted honest emotion, not tightly controlled rationale.
    “Sophie, what happened?”
    He almost winced at the command in his voice and was really surprised when she started to answer instead of hanging up the phone with angry finality.
    “They…um…I spent the night with them. I didn’t know Alex owned Viper’s Dungeon until this morning.”
    “Did they hurt you?” Malcolm asked, the memories of watching both Alex and Adrian dealing with subs in the Dungeon combining with his ex-wife’s fear of all dominant men making him want to snap his bosses into tiny little pieces.
    He might have been able to contain his rage if Alex hadn’t chosen that moment to walk past his office door.
    “I’ll call you back.”
    * * * *
    Alex was suddenly really glad for his martial arts training and quick reflexes.
    Malcolm Richards—employee, very large, highly trained Dom, and a man he thought of as a friend—looked ready to kill him. Alex held up his hands in supplication. Whatever the problem was they were both old enough to settle it without throwing punches…he hoped.
    “What did you do to her?”
    “Her?” Alex asked, his thoughts immediately turning back to Sophie and her fearful response when she’d learned he and Adrian owned Viper’s Dungeon.
    “Sophie,” Malcolm practically growled. His tone of voice was a damn good reminder why he was the head of security here. “Sophie Richards.”
    Oh shit! Richards? Malcolm’s sister? Cousin? Some kind of female relation? It was a fairly common family name and until this very moment Alex hadn’t put two and two together.
    “Adrian and I spent the

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