Somewhere Along the Way

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Book: Somewhere Along the Way by Jodi Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jodi Thomas
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almost a month, and she’d missed lunch with him at the diner. Maybe his mood was brought on by watching Mrs. Biggs go to the cemetery every day, rain or shine. She was living among the dead as if nothing on the other side of the cemetery fence interested her.
    He felt lousy, not physically, but emotionally. He liked order. Everything should make sense. Nothing had changed in his world, but it was shifting and he didn’t like it or know how to stop it.
    At nine o’clock, he ran through the rain and into the county offices. Alex was walking from the break room with probably her third cup of coffee when he caught up with her.
    “What brings you in, stranger?” She smiled, that warm, knowing smile a woman gives a man when she thinks she knows him completely.
    He didn’t answer. He just walked into her office, waited for her to follow, closed the door, and tossed his wet hat on the nearest chair. Then he carefully took her cup from her, pushed her against the wall, and kissed her as if he were starving for the taste of only her.
    When he let her go, he swore and said, “Marry me, damn it. I don’t like waking up without you.”
    She brushed rain from her clothes. “Good morning to you too.”
    “You’re not answering me. Alexandra, I’ve loved you for longer than I can remember. We’ve been engaged two years now and we’re no closer to marriage. I don’t like sneaking over to your place in the middle of the night. I want to go to bed every night with you and wake up with you every morning.”
    Alex walked around her desk, putting some space between them. “You make it sound so exciting. Tell me one thing, Hank, if we married, where would we live? In my two-room cabin, or at your place with your mother, aunts, and sister?”
    “We could get a place in town. We’re both here as many hours as we’re anywhere.”
    She shook her head. “Neither of us would survive in town.”
    “We could live at your cabin.” He grinned. “It borders my land. I could walk to work.”
    “It’s too small. Can’t we just be happy the way we are?”
    Hank gave in, like he always did. She loved him, and that should be enough for now. All the women in his house needed him, depended on him. His mother and sister Claire were so into their art they’d forget to pay the electric bill, and his two old aunts only thought of gardening in the summer and quilting in winter. They worried as much about characters on soap operas as they did people. His six-year-old niece was the only one in the house with any brains. By the time she turned ten she’d be running the place.
    He picked up his hat and took a step toward the door. “If I have to, Alex, I’ll build us a house on the line between your land and mine. I’m going to grow old with you by my side.”
    “That sounds like a plan. I’ll see you tonight.” She smiled. “I’ll have a hot supper ready.”
    He nodded. “Grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup?” One of the few things she could cook, but when they’d decided always to stay in on Friday nights, the menu hadn’t been one of the considerations.
    “I’ll have the fire going.”
    He winked at her double meaning and opened the door. “You got time to have lunch with Liz and me?”
    “No, not today, I’ve got too many problems to solve. We’ve already had two break-ins reported this morning. Strange, both did damage, shattering glass and kicking in doors to get in, but nothing seems to be missing.”
    “Have any suspects?” he said, thinking about how much he liked just watching her move.
    “Maybe a gang of boys I’ve been watching. No proof, just a feeling. I caught them shooting at squirrels a few weeks ago. Only thing they seem to be able to hit were windowpanes.” Alex crossed to the window and looked out. “Odd, the break-ins don’t make sense. Why would anyone risk getting arrested for nothing?”
    “The victims have anything in common?”
    “Yeah.” She smiled. “Get this, they were both named

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