Something Witchy This Way Comes: A Jolie Wilkins Novel

Read Online Something Witchy This Way Comes: A Jolie Wilkins Novel by H. P. Mallory - Free Book Online

Book: Something Witchy This Way Comes: A Jolie Wilkins Novel by H. P. Mallory Read Free Book Online
Authors: H. P. Mallory
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal
“Endure your punishment like a gentleman, Sinclair.”
    Sinjin faced him then and his eyes narrowed. “The Queen will require all the protection available to her. Banishing me could be cutting off her nose to spite her face.”
    Rand stood up and shook his head. “Don’t think you’re going to worm your way out of this one, Sinjin. You’ve been decreed a public enemy, and as such, you will be banished.”
    Sinjin said nothing more to Rand, but he turned back toward me. “Poppet, if ever you should need me, you have only to ask and I will come running.”
    Of course, I replayed the conversation with Sinjin repeatedly in my head—I mean, how could I not? Questions poured through my brain and it was all I could do to focus on one at a time. Was what Sinjin said true? Was banishing him cutting off my nose to spite my face? I glanced outside the window at thedarkness of the Scottish sky, thankful that I was in the solitude of my bedroom. I needed some alone time in order to contemplate the enigma that was Sinjin. As Queen, it seemed I never had any time to myself, so these few moments were precious.
    Sitting at my bedside vanity, I stared at myself as if my blue eyes might hold an answer—as if they could tell me whether Sinjin truly cared about me. But of course, my vacuous expression was reflected back at me. I couldn’t help but notice that my eyes were still wide with surprise, even though the ceremony was long since over.
    I couldn’t keep the questions and thoughts from rampaging through my mind, couldn’t stop wondering if Sinjin had been telling me the truth earlier, when I’d first told him of his banishment. Maybe deep down in that icy cave of his heart, he was still truly human and capable of caring about someone else. Maybe Sinjin Sinclair could feel love?
    Who are you kidding?
That voice in my head piped up.
Sinjin is a master of artifice, Jolie. You of all people should know that by now!
    I shook my head, determined to win this argument with myself, determined to find the good in Sinjin. Why, I had no idea—it was almost an automatic reaction.
You saw his expression—you looked into his eyes the same as I did. Are you really trying to tell me that what you saw there wasn’t genuine and real?
    It wasn’t genuine or real
    You know in your heart of hearts that he’s telling the truth. You know he cares about you and always has
    I know I’m not going to fall for it again. I’m not
going to be the naive idiot I’ve always been. This time, I’m learning my lesson
I figuratively waved the voice away and, instead, turned to thoughts of Sinjin’s exile. I just couldn’t feel good about the decision. Even though almost everyone had agreed on it—well, all the men in the room, anyway—I just couldn’t defend the decision. Especially with the Lurker threat ever growing. What did that threat mean for Sinjin? What if the Lurkers discovered him and he had no one to defend him?
    Had I just sent Sinjin to his death?
    Puhleeze, Jolie! Sinjin is a survivor. You heard Rand
, I thought.
He can take care of himself
    Yeah, but who knows what the Lurkers are capable of? Not to mention what they’re planning? Who knows what’s in store for us?
    Sinjin’s punishment was voted on by your counsel, Jolie, and you can’t go back now. What he did was wrong, no matter what his motivations were. He pulled the rug out from underneath you and attempted to change the course of your life!
    Hmm, that’s true
    He tried to destroy everything you knew, everything you cared about! And you’re debating whether he deserves his punishment? He nearly separated you from Rand! What the hell is wrong with you?
    Thinking about Rand was ultimately what set me straight. Sinjin had nearly destroyed everything I’d worked so hard for—everything Rand had worked so hard for. Yes, what was done was done, and there was no going back.
    And this time I would be firm in my convictions.

“Damn being announced! I will see her

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