Something Suspicious in Sask

Read Online Something Suspicious in Sask by Dayle Gaetz - Free Book Online

Book: Something Suspicious in Sask by Dayle Gaetz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dayle Gaetz
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dropped it down that tunnel on my head.”
    â€œIt landed on the rocks beside you, not on your head. But, thanks, Rusty.” She switched it off and slipped it into her pocket alongside the paper from Aunt Margaret’s office. “It’s nice and small but it’s bright too.” She almost added that it would be perfect for investigating crime scenes but caught herself in time. She had promised to stay out of trouble this summer. Unfortunately, to her parents’ and grandparents’ way of thinking, investigating crimes was not the ideal way to go about it.
    Her parents gave her a cell phone. “Wow! That’s exactly what I wanted!”
    â€œWe figured you could use it in case you find yourself in trouble again. At least you can phone for help,” said her mom.
    â€œThanks, Mom.” Katie pushed the power button and waited for the little screen to light up. She fiddled with the phone for a few minutes, pushing buttons to see how it worked. “It takes pictures too!” she grinned. “That will come in handy!”
    There was one more present on the table. Katie picked it up and read the card.
    Happy Birthday, Katie. I’ll be thinking of you today.
    Miss you,
    Katie tore open the paper and found a new mystery novel by her favorite author. She held it in her hands and thought about Sheila, her ex-best friend. But maybe Sheila wasn’t a deserter at all, maybe she just really needed some time with her dad.
    â€œYou can phone Sheila on your new cell phone and thank her,” Mom suggested. “Yeah,” Katie said, “I will.” She glanced at the clock. “But she’ll be out on the range riding Silver right now. She likes to go with her dad after dinner.” Katie smiled, knowing she would talk to Sheila soon; maybe they could still be best friends after all.
    â€œLet’s try the phone to be sure it works,” Mom suggested. “Why don’t you phone Megan on her cell?”
    Katie shook her head. “I don’t know the number.”
    Cliff got to his feet and nodded to Katie’s and Rusty’s mothers. “It was wonderful meeting you two lovely ladies, and I hope you enjoy your visit to Saskatchewan. I thank you all for a wonderful meal, but I really must go now, I’ve got chores waiting.”
    While their moms smiled happily after Cliff, Katie looked at Rusty and rolled her eyes. Rusty opened his mouth and jabbed a finger toward his throat. They both grinned.
    â€œI don’t have my phone,” Megan jumped up, patting her empty waistband. “I left it to recharge in Mom’s office last night and forgot it when we went to Humboldt.” She disappeared into the office and came running out a second later. “It’s not there!”
    â€œIt’s Scott again.” Cliff lingered at the door. “He must have taken it when no one was home today.”
    â€œWhy would he do that?” Katie asked. “It doesn’t make any sense.”
    â€œWhy does he do half the things he does? Maybe he wants to check Megan’s calls to see who’s been phoning her. I’m sure it’s him. Seems to me I saw a phone just like Megan’s clipped to his belt when he was outside.”
    â€œYou’re wrong,” Megan told him. “Scott didn’t have a cell phone on him. I was there too, remember?”
    Cliff took a step toward her. “Your mother told you to stay away from that boy. Can’t you understand he’s stalking you? He could be dangerous.”
    Megan backed toward the stairs. “Who do you think you are?” she screeched. “My father?” She turned and ran up the stairs.
    â€œMegan, come back here!” Cliff yelled and started after her.
    â€œIt’s all right, Cliff, let her go,” Aunt Margaret said.
    â€œNo sense in letting her spoil everyone’s fun.”
    That was the most sensible thing Katie had heard all day. She smiled

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