Someone to Watch Over Me

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Book: Someone to Watch Over Me by Anne Berkeley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Berkeley
corners, smiling in jest. “I don’t know
which I like better. The Incredible Tate Watkins or the Amazing Tate Watkins.”
    I wished I knew how he could
converse while performing this kind of mental calisthenics. He was
right; my brain stopped functioning during sex. “Ungh.
    Laughing softly, Tate leaned in
close to my ear , nibbled at the lobe.
“Better be careful. You might give me a god complex with all those
little noises you make.”
    “Tate?” I managed. It wasn’t
without effort.
    “What, did you want to add
prodigious to the list?”
    “No, I…wanted…to
say… shut up .” I
couldn’t relax enough to lose myself with his teasing, and I needed
to finish quickly. I heard Levy turn the television on, which meant
that he was finished with his donut or was eating it on the
    “ Geez, Coop,
that’s cold. ”
    “And kiss me…I wasn’t…finished.”
    Beaming that crooked smile my
way, he crushed his mouth to mine, picking up his pace. All of
those little sounds I made were muffled by his lips.
    A s promised,
a few minutes —and by this I mean sixty
seconds— later , I lay shuddering . We might’ve gone a few rounds the night before,
but it’d still been a long time since I’d been touched, and he was
Tate Watkins.
    Gathering our attention,
however, Levy gasped. “I spiwed it! ” The patter of
footsteps whispered against the carpet. He appeared at the door,
his face smeared with chocolate icing and rainbow sprinkles, his
khaki shorts a shade darker. “I spiwed my chocowit
    “Oh man,” Tate breathed, falling still.
    “You ate at the table, right Lev?” I knew
it. Even Tate couldn’t distract me from my maternal instincts.
    Levy’s finger went to his mouth, curling
uncomfortably. He looked up from under his fringe of blond lashes.
“I dunno.”
    Oh, this so
wasn’t good. “Were you on the sofa?” I could hear the cartoons
filtering from the television. On the other hand, Levy remained
silent. I shrouded my eyes, conscious of the full
implications. If his face was any indication of
the mess he made, then my sofa was toast.
    “ Coop,” Tate
said hesitantly, “you’re not gonna, like… punish him or anything,
    “ Are you
kidding?” I whispered with feigned solemnity. “He ate a chocolate
donut and spilled chocolate milk on the sofa. I’m gonna give him
the belt and stick him in the corner.”
    “You’re kidding.” Watching Tate’s frown
deepen, my mouth curled into a smile. I couldn’t hold a straight
face if I wanted to. “Oh, God, you’re a terrible, terrible person.
You should be ashamed of yourself. I thought you were serious. I
was getting ready to defend the kid and take the beating for
    “He’s two, Tate. He doesn’t know any better.
Besides, it was my fault. I should’ve been watching him.”
    “ I’m really
sorry .”
    “It’s fine ,
but I need to get up.” Tate rolled off me and out of the
bed. I pulled my tee down and slid out behind him, grabb ed my sweats from the
floor . I tugged them over my ankles as I
made my way into the living room, winced at what I
    “Holy—wow—yeah,” Tate stammered behind me.
“That’s pretty bad.”
    Streaks and
fingerprints of chocolate covered the right sofa cushion and arm,
along with a small, oblong, brown stain that marred the crevice
between. A paper plate with the remains of the donut sat on the
center cushion, crumbs surrounding it. Levy had eaten the top half
of the donut and, more importantly, the icing, leaving the bottom
ring intact.
    “ That’s
nothing. Do you know the rule behind the
size of ice bergs?”
    “ The largest
percent of it is below water?”
    “ Exactly.
The largest percent of the chocolate milk is probably soaked into
that cushion. That small stain there is just the tip.”
    “What can I do?”
    “ Thanks, but
I don’t expect you to clean my sofa.”
    “Do you think I’m going to stand here and
watch while you do it by yourself?”
    “ No, I

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