Some Like It Hot

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Book: Some Like It Hot by Lori Wilde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori Wilde
waved a hand. “Don’t tell me you’re one of those people.”
    “What people?”
    “The kind who want to assume responsibility for everything that happens. Like my sister Charlotte. It’s not your fault that I had my head up my…” She stopped herself just in time before using the earthy language that had gotten her in a lot of trouble when she was a kid. “…in the clouds.”
    “It’s my kitchen. I’m in charge.”
    “You’re not God,” she said. “Accidents happen.”
    “You know,” he mused, his fingers tenderly holding her foot, “there’s a philosophy that says there are no accidents.”
    “What? You’re saying I dropped a pan of diablo sauce and burned my legs just to get you to take me into your office so I could be alone with you?”
    “Did you?” He cocked his head.
    “I’m not that calculating, LeSoeur. In case you haven’t noticed, I shoot from the hip.”
    “And ask questions later,” he muttered.
    She suddenly wanted to yank her foot away, but instead sank her top teeth into her bottom lip. Not to brace herself against the pain, but against the unexpected pleasure of his touch. She felt unsettled in a strange and unaccustomed way.
    When his fingers gently crept up her leg to remove the towels he’d wrapped around her burns, Melanie realized the man was a lot more sensual than she’d given him credit for. His caress was lighter than oxygen and way too thrilling.
    “Slide out that bottom drawer.” Robert gestured with his head, inclining it toward the desk drawer at her right. “There’s a first-aid kit inside.”
    She leaned over the arm of the chair, grabbed the drawer handle, tugged it open and found the kit.
    He took it from her with his free hand.
    Their fingers brushed and she felt a wildfire of sensation. He pretended to be absorbed with opening the box and taking out a jar of cream to rub on her burns.
    “More than likely it’s only first degree,” he noted, swabbing her legs with the soothing salve and then taping nonstick Telfa gauze over the wounds. “Probably won’t even blister.”
    “That’s good,” she said, her voice sounding faraway and kind of fuzzy, even to her own ears. The way his fingers tickled her flesh made her insides tremble like an addict in need of a fix.
    He angled his head and stared at her with sultry eyes. Although he pressed his lips tightly together, she could see what he was trying so desperately to hide.
    Stark, hungry need.
    Melanie looked into his eyes, ached to feel the pressure of his lips against hers. She couldn’t keep resisting her impulses. It went against her nature. So without fully considering what she was about to do, she leaned forward, puckered her lips and prayed he would take the hint.

    D AMN HIM , HE SHOULD not have kissed her.
    But he had.
    Robert was weak from four months of fighting the attraction. He was just a guy, with a caveman desire for the luscious woman in front of him. He couldn’t think about anything except how much he wanted her. He was ready to wave the white flag. He was going to have to do a hell of a lot of journal writing to tame this beast.
    He blamed their close proximity, the privacy of his office, the hot diablo sauce and the fact that her delicate foot was cushioned in his palm. He faulted the devilish glint in her indigo eyes as she leaned forward, revealing an exquisite view of her cleavage and just daring him to kiss her. He laid blame on the sweet, full, puckered lips hovering mere inches from his own. But most of all, Robert held himself responsible. He’d been too long without sex, his judgment seriously clouded by testosterone, or he would have remembered that this was Melanie Marchand, his boss’s sister. If anything went wrong between them, he’d be the one to lose his job, not her.
    Her lips parted, and the sight of that impish pink tongue was his total undoing. Her eyes were locked on his, the muscles in her throat moving as she swallowed.
    He was careening toward

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