Solstice - Of The Heart

Read Online Solstice - Of The Heart by John Blenkush - Free Book Online

Book: Solstice - Of The Heart by John Blenkush Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Blenkush
Tags: Romance, Paranormal, Mythical, teen romance, teen love, vampirism, mount shasta, law of one
headed into town.
    “Where’re we going?” I asked, as
Cherrie turned down a side street.
    “Al’s Auto Supplies. He has a sale on
power steering fluid.”
    “Why don’t you just get it
    “You been to a repair shop
    Cherrie knew the answer without me
telling her.
    “Cost more to replace the steering
pump than what this car is worth, so grandpa says.”
    “Might save us from driving over a
cliff again.”
    “That was operator error.”
    “Yeah. Thanks for the vote of
confidence. So what do you think? Did Aaron pull us off the
    “That what he told you at
    “No. But I saw the way he looked on
Bunny Flat after we drove back on the road. Spent.”
    “He had just climbed a mountain. I’d
think you’d give him some slack. And by the way, I don’t remember
seeing him anywhere near the car when we went off the
    “Yes. But I saw him with his arms
    “And that means what? He’s part
tractor beam?”
    I shrugged my shoulders, shook my
    “You know,” Cherrie said, “a tractor
beam like the Borg Cube on Star Trek.”
    “Sounds like science
    “Now you got it.”
    “Well then you explain it. How’d the
LC get back on the road?”
    Cherrie pointed. “See this letter R
here. Stands for reverse. You take this,” she pulled on the stick
shift, “and put it...”
    “You don’t really believe we backed
out of there, do you?”
    Cherrie grunted as she cranked the
wheel and turned onto Main Street. “You have a better
    “No. But I don’t believe this tank
backed out of there without help.”
    “You know what? I don’t care how it
happened. I’m just glad we weren’t killed. You know. If you want to
believe the Delmons had something to do with it, fine by
    I sank back in the seat and relaxed.
“Not them. Not the Delmons. Aaron is the only one who reacted. And
now I think he’s in trouble because he helped.”
    “Why’s that?”
    “You don’t really want to
    “Humor me.”
    “Didn’t you see them at
    “Yes, I did. Caught a glimpse of their
shirt tails as they ran away.”
    “That’s what I’m saying. Aaron and I
were good until I mentioned Shasta.”
    Another corner. More
    “I’ll play along. What’d you say to
piss them off?”
    “I thanked Aaron for saving
    “You didn’t.”
    “Yes. And he didn’t deny
    “So why’d he run away?”
    “Told you. The twins didn’t like us
talking about it.”
    “Okay. Think I got it now. Aaron saves
us from certain death. But his buddies would rather see us dead.
    “Don’t know what they’re thinking.
They didn’t say much.”
    “Told you...”
    “I know. Antisocial. Didn’t you see
the bumps on their heads?”
    “I’m beginning to think you’ve got a
bump on your head.”
    “Maybe, but not like
    “Like the Klingons on Star
    “Course not. These are small. The size
of a walnut. I read it’s an organ which allows the Lemurians to
communicate with each other through extra-sensory
    “Ahh, here we go. And you think the
Delmons are Lemurians.”
    “They fit the description.”
    “There are more than a few people in
this world who would fit the description of having a bump on their
head and lifting cars. They’re called drug addicts jacked up on the
latest mind bender.”
    “They don’t seem the type who would do
    “How would you know? I told you the
Delmons are a strange family, weird in many ways.”
    Cherrie cranked the LC into Al’s Auto
Supplies’ parking lot.
    I looked down the street. There were a
number of SHS students walking through downtown. One in particular
caught my eye.
    “There’s Aaron.”
    Cherrie looked as we got out of the
car. “Yeah. He works at the Fifth Season.”
    “And you didn’t tell me!”
    “What’s there to tell? He’s got a
life, something you should seriously think about
    I watched as Aaron

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