Sold to the Sheikh

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Book: Sold to the Sheikh by Chloe Cox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chloe Cox
    And he laughed.
    Stella cringed; just the word ‘divorce’ was enough to crash through the little cocoon she’d built up around herself while serving the drinks. And the Sheikh noticed.
    She stood up, more quickly than she intended to. She wouldn’t let them see her falter. Wouldn’t let the Sheikh see her falter. The idea that he would see her like that, broken and hurt and damaged, was just unbearable. It would ruin everything this weekend had promised to be. She didn’t want to be that discarded, unlovable woman with him; she wanted to be the sexy, desirable woman who was worth a small fortune.
    “Can I get you anything else, Sheikh?” she said. But she couldn’t meet his eyes, even though she felt his gaze, studying her.
    “Creighton?” the Sheikh finally said.
    “Yeah, all right, Bashir,” Creighton said, and Stella turned to find him rising unsteadily to his feet. He was drunker than she’d thought.
    “Listen, Bashir, I can’t just drop a contract, but let me make a phone call and see if I can’t work something out,” he continued. He licked his lips, and looked longingly at Stella’s breasts. “Those bastards won’t have the money for repeat business, anyway. Maybe I can give you a little information, just between us. What you do with it is your business. In return for a little consideration, of course.”
    And he gave the Sheikh one of those hard looks that Stella remembered from Robert’s negotiations. He might be a drunk, but Creighton wasn’t stupid. She wondered what kind of deal they’d worked out when she went to get the drinks, and then realized she didn’t really care. She only cared that it meant she’d be alone with Sheikh Bashir soon.
    When did I get such a one-track mind? she wondered as she watched Creighton fumble with the door. Finally he set his drink down on a side table and manhandled the thing open. He really was drunk.
    Stella turned, eager to hear what the Sheikh had in store for her next, only to see him rise out of his own chair. He didn’t even look at her as he buttoned his suit jacket closed.
    “I’ll be back shortly,” he said.
    “What?” Stella had never been so disappointed. “But why—”
    He turned on her. “I have my own phone call to make. You will wait for me here. You will think about how to please me while you wait. And if you say another word, you will do it naked.”
    Whoa. No matter how adventurous she’d become, Stella did not want that.
    “Yes, Sheikh,” she said, and watched him stride out of the room.

    C HAPTER 9
    She was just supposed to wait? That sucked. Or rather, it didn’t entirely suck; Stella found that, with even just a little bit of leeway, her imagination began to run wild. How could she please him? What sort of things might he order her to do next? He kept hinting at having her do… things in public, and the idea terrified her. But if she were being completely honest, it terrified her because it also excited her.
    Or what about when he’d spanked her? That was an entirely new kind of thrill. Seriously, she’d been spanked . She still couldn’t believe it.
    But the real question, of course, was whether he’d ever actually fuck her. God, what if he didn’t? What if he decided he didn’t want to? She shook her head, clearing it of that unbearable thought. He would. And yet, it was another thing she awaited with both anticipation and fear. She’d been so afraid that he’d just immediately get down to it, and she’d felt like, well, a whore, but that was apparently not the Sheikh’s style. By the time he got around to it, maybe she really would beg.
    And, more than that even, what about his claim that he would train her? What did that even mean? She wasn’t sure she believed that anyone could ever make her come on command, though the idea was…incredibly hot. The thought of being so completely in the Sheikh’s power made her feel both unsteady and somehow free, as though she had

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