Snow's Lament

Read Online Snow's Lament by S.E. Babin - Free Book Online

Book: Snow's Lament by S.E. Babin Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.E. Babin
rooted in place, anguish etched into his features.
    The dagger dug into my skin and started its journey.


Chapter 6
    I was feeling the wicked burn of the silver dagger across my throat when all hell broke loose. Naomi’s grip loosened and I seized on that moment, Boneless, I slumped to the floor and rolled away, my hand slapping over the wound in my throat. The hut shook on its foundation. I crawled over to Robin, hoping against all hope there was still some life in his body.
    “Belle!” I screamed and immediately regretted it. Pain bloomed within my throat and blood pushed against my fingers. I was cut deeper than I’d expected. Although, considering I was still able to move, Naomi hadn’t cut anything vital yet.
    Purple smoke curled and tied around Naomi. Her arms were pinned at her side as she struggled. For the moment, she was effectively neutralized. Robin’s pulse was weak, but still there. I rested my head on his chest and held on tight.
    “Get us out of here!” I screamed and waited for the vertigo to come.
    A fiercely proud face and ebony hair leaned over me, obscuring my view of the room.
    “Nice to see you again, friend,” said Maleficent.
    Her tone was dry, which made me think maybe she wasn’t so happy.
    “Sorry,” I rasped. My hand crept up to the wound on my throat. The skin there was puckered, but closed.
    Maleficent’s expression showed regret. “I did the best I could, but you’re going to have a scar. Naomi’s dagger was enchanted. She wasn’t screwing around this time. You’re going to sound like a chain smoker for at least a week.”
    “Better than being dead.”
    “True, child.”
    I sat up abruptly. “Robin and Belle?” I looked around, but didn’t see them anywhere. I assumed she’d taken us back to her castle, but the room we were in was small and cozy. It looked more like a small cabin than anything else.
    She touched my arm with a cool hand. “Belle is fine.”
    I stared. “Robin?”
    “Touch and go, friend. I wish I would have gotten to him sooner.”
    Hot tears filled my eyes. “Will he live?”
    A small smile full of regret touched her face. “Even I cannot answer that. I might be a sorceress, but I am not a goddess.”
    “Where is he?”
    She held out a hand, which I gladly accepted. I swayed on my feet a bit, no doubt due to blood loss, and allowed her to lead me down the hall. She swung back a royal blue curtain and fastened it with a decorative dragon hook on the wall.
    Robin lay silent and unmoving on a bed of straw and hay. His chest rose and fell as he breathed. I hurried over to his bed and fell to my knees. I took his chilly hand and pressed his knuckles to my lips.
    “I am so, so sorry. I will make sure she pays for this.” I sat there for a few moments, waiting for some kind of miracle, but he lay there motionless.
    A hand on my shoulder startled me. Belle crouched down and leaned against me.
    “He’s going to be okay, isn’t he?” she whispered.
    I squeezed her knee. “I don’t know.”
    She reached out with a hesitant hand and laid it on his chest. I slowly stood and watched her for a moment. Grief, love, and regret warred on her face. I touched her hair and left her alone in the room.
    Maleficent was already back in her living area, a steaming cup of tea in her hands. It was an odd sight, but I’d long learned not to judge anyone. I wasn’t sure of her history, but I thought maybe she was a good ally to have on our side.
    “Belle loves him,” she said as she offered to pour me a cup.
    I nodded. “Something happened between them. She refuses to talk about it.”
    Maleficent winced. “I don’t blame her.”
    My gaze flew to hers. “You know what happened?” My heart began to pound faster. I was dying to know.
    She sipped her tea. “It isn’t my story to tell.”
    “You can’t lift a sister up like that and let her fall,” I grumbled.
    She chuckled. “Their future is unclear. Let them be, Snow.”
    I lifted my tea cup and

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