Snowfall and Secrets (The Omega Mu Alpha Brothers Book 1)

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Book: Snowfall and Secrets (The Omega Mu Alpha Brothers Book 1) by Kierra Quinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kierra Quinn
comes out clean, I’d say you’d be the best thing either one of them has ever brought home. Though you may want to wait until one of them falls in love before you spill the beans about the baby.”
    “Yep and then he goes running for the hills.”
    “Nonsense. Men fall hard.”
    “Okay, I’ll come to dinner, but only because I like you. I’m not interested in seducing one of your sons.”
    Marie laughed. “I don’t think you have to worry about that. They’ll be the ones fighting over you. We’ll see you Friday at six.”
    “Can I bring anything?”
    “Nope. I love to cook when the boys come home. No one else is allowed in my kitchen.”
    Tess headed to the small grocery store after she left Marie to get milk since she was out. Again. While she stood in the baking aisle trying to decide if she wanted to bake cookies, cake, or brownies, her phone rang. The number was unfamiliar, but it was a Michigan area code.
    “Hello,” she answered.
    “Tess.” It was Sara.
    “Everything okay?” Tess asked. Sara was watching half of her class today.
    “Better than okay. I just had to call and tell you Whitters showed up after lunch today with a black eye.” Sara giggled. The mom of three actually giggled.
    “What?” Shocked, Tess grabbed a box of brownies off the shelf. “What happened?”
    “I don’t know, but I knew you’d appreciate it.” Sara sniggered. “Alright, I better get back, but if I hear more, I’ll call you after school.”
    “You better.” Tess grinned as she dropped her phone into her purse. Sometimes karma got it right. Whitters must have put his hands on the wrong girl.
    At home, she found Lukas outside playing in the snow with Dio. Watching Dio try to catch snowballs as Lukas bent over laughing made her heart beat faster. He was so good with Dio. She imagined he had to be great with kids.
    Tess shook her head and balanced her grocery bags. It was bad enough Marie was trying to set her up with either of her sons, now Tess was trying to see herself with Lukas.
    He straightened and jogged over.
    “You’re home early.” He took one of her bags. He reached for the other, but she pulled away. She could still carry at least part of her own groceries.
    “I had an appointment,” she bit out, more irritated with herself and her thoughts than she was with him.
    Lukas frowned. “With who?”
    “None of your business.”
    Lukas raised his eyebrows. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be nosy. I was just curious.”
    Tess dropped her shoulders, ashamed at her behavior. “No. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you. I had a doctor’s appointment.”
    “With Marie? She’s brilliant. Way too good for a small town doctor. Her oldest son owns Dio’s sister Una.”
    “So he was number one, huh? Do I detect a hint of jealousy?”
    He chuckled. “Maybe a little. He and I were always super competitive. We grew up together.”
    “Marie said they are coming home this weekend and invited me to dinner on Friday.”
    Lukas rolled his eyes. “Be warned. When that woman gets an idea in her head, she doesn’t back down easily.”
    “What idea?” She knew exactly what he was talking about, but she wanted to hear his take on it.
    “You mean, you can’t tell?”
    Lukas snatched the second bag out of her hand and started walking to her carriage house.
    “The one where she tries to set you up with one of her boys. I expect she doesn’t care whether it is Hayden or Joshua.” Lukas chuckled. “Watch out for her. She has serious grandbaby fever.”
    Tess felt her face go pale. Did he know? How could he know? She followed him into the house, lost for words.

L ukas set the bags on Tess’s counter and tried to quell the growing jealousy in his chest. He and Hayden had their share of fights over girls, but that was in high school when there were only five eligible girls in the whole school.
    He had to get a grip. He held no claim on Tess. Hell, he’d been trying to avoid her, but the more time he spent

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