Slow Hand Curves (Big Girls Next Door Erotica)

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Book: Slow Hand Curves (Big Girls Next Door Erotica) by Christa Wick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christa Wick
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    Big Girls Next Door Erotica
    by Christa Wick
    * * * * *
    Wicked Christa on Smashwords
    Copyright © 2012 by Christa Wick
    Cover art licensed from and © Les3Photo8@dreamstime
    Fatty Fatty Boombalaty font licensed from Patty Whack Fonts@myfonts
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    Plus-size virgin Amber Rice isn't looking for love, just an orgasm. She's never had one! So her sister-in-law sends her to the DFW Wellness Center for a massage by physical therapist Samuel "Slow Hand" Pepin.
    Slow Hand Sam is more than ready to deliver a bone shattering orgasm to the blue-eyed beauty. With Sam mesmerized by Amber’s porcelain skin, soft curves and complete innocence, will this Texas virgin get more than she was looking for?
    “I was already climaxing again when he flipped me onto my stomach.” Briana Custer blew at her coal black bangs as if her re-telling of last night’s encounter with an old flame had her ready to pop for the sixth time in the last twenty-four hours.
    I squirmed in my seat, hoping Bree would run out of steam shortly or my sister-in-law Melinda would finally shut her up.
    “And…” Melinda sucked on her strawberry milkshake, her free hand gesturing for Bree to continue. Eight-and-a-half months pregnant and just off an extended bed rest, Melinda had to settle for having a sex life vicariously through Bree.
    Having already listened to thirty minutes of Bree recapping sex acts, some I’d never even heard of, I was down to my last nerve. Burying my face in my hands, I groaned.
    Bree rolled her eyes at me. “What’s got your granny panties in a knot?”
    Much to my horror, Melinda volunteered an answer. “Amber has never--”
    “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” She waved Melinda off. “I know that Rice Krispies here has only been snapped and crackled, but never popped. But her ears sure as hell aren’t virgin.”
    “No, I mean, she has never…” Melinda stopped and let an imaginary quiver roll through her body. “Not even on her own.”
    “Oh, Jesus!” I wrapped my hands around my head and shut my eyes. I would never again try to entertain a bedridden pregnant woman who had been house bound for a month with a discussion of lady problems.
    “C’mon, quit yanking my chain.” Bree made a little come hither motion with her middle finger. “Are you saying not even after a little rub or two?”
    I felt my cheeks go from pink to red. “Uhm…we’re in a public restaurant, ladies…please.”
    My voice had turned into an annoying little whisper that they

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