Skin Deep

Read Online Skin Deep by J.M. Stone - Free Book Online

Book: Skin Deep by J.M. Stone Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.M. Stone
Tags: Humor, Erótica, Romance, Adult
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little preoccupied last night and didn’t get the curtains
shut) and I. Was. Naked. Eek! I jackknifed up in the bed,
scrambling to drag the comforter up to cover myself.
    Luke grinned, shook his head at me, leaned
down and kissed the tip of my nose.
    “Morning, sugar. Sleep well?” He winked at me
and his grin turned sly.
    Luke had woken me up twice more in the night
to make love and I was finding it hard not to flush red from head
to toe at the memories of things he’d done to me and I’d done to
him. And yes, he did finally eat me until I screamed. And screamed.
Lord, the things that man can do with his mouth…
    I smiled shyly up at him as he leaned down to
kiss me again. I noticed that he was fully dressed in his clothes
from last night.
    “I gotta go to work, babe. Its my morning to
open the shop, and since Brandon was going out last night, he’s
probably still drunk off his ass.”
    “Okay. I’ve got to go to my sister’s house
anyway. And then track down my brother, because I still owe him an
ass kicking,” I said.
    “How many brothers and sisters do you have?”
Luke asked.
    “Two sisters, one brother. Jenna’s the
oldest, she’s 33, then there’s me, I’m 29, then Calland, who you
had the unfortunate experience of meeting the other night, he’s 27,
and Leah, the drunk ass, she’s 25. So, what about you? Brothers,
sisters? Other than Brandon, I mean.”
    “Just Brandon. He’s 30. I’m two years older
than him,” Luke replied. His tone was a little short. He stood up
and I got the impression that he wasn’t going to say anything else
on that subject.
    O-k-a-y…? We’ll leave that for another time,
I guess.
    I struggled up off the bed, wrapping the
comforter around me and pulling it with me as I started to walk out
of the room, intending to walk Luke to the door. I heard a snort
behind me and turned, raising a questioning eyebrow at him.
    “I’ve seen you naked, Emma. We fucked four
times last night and I ate you until you screamed. You don’t have
to be modest, sugar. Trust me, I liked what I saw, and I still like
it now.” He smiled at me.
    I blushed and shrugged, walking away from him
towards the front door. He followed, kissing me deeply before
winking and walking out the door. I shut it behind him, leaning
back against it and shaking my head. I heard my phone ringing
somewhere and went to find it.
    I found it on the kitchen counter and noted
that I had sixteen missed calls. One from my mom asking me to come
to breakfast on Sunday, three from Jenna asking where the hell I
was, and twelve from Allie, all asking if I’d “gotten it in” yet.
(Where does she get this shit?)
    Shaking my head, I quickly called my mom back
to let her know I would be there, called Jenna to tell her I was on
my way, and decided to let Allie stew a little longer. I took a
record shower, threw on some clothes, and headed out the door to my
    I pulled up at Jenna’s house (in the driveway
this time) and let myself in. I immediately wanted to turn around
and let myself out, but the screams of “Aun’Emmy! Aun’Emmy!”
stopped me in my tracks. Sighing, I turned around to field the
sticky ball of energy bearing down on me like a freight train.
    “Whoa, there, Hayden! What have you been
doing, child?” I asked her.
    “Mommy made me pamcakes (how cute is she?)
wif’ syrup!” She giggled gleefully.
    “Hayden, get your sticky little behind back
in here, right now, young lady!” Jenna yelled from the kitchen.
    I looked at Hayden, made a face, and we both
took off for the kitchen.
    “Holy shi-oot, Jenna! Did you blow the place
up?” I asked her, taking in the state of the kitchen.
    “Very funny, Emma,” Jenna replied drolly. “We
made pancakes for breakfast and Hayden, God love her little face,
decided that it would be more fun to splatter the batter than to
cook it. That, and she wanted to wear the syrup more than eat it. I
mean, how messy can a four year old get? Jarrod wasn’t that

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