Sisters in Love (Snow Sisters, Book One: Love in Bloom Series #1)

Read Online Sisters in Love (Snow Sisters, Book One: Love in Bloom Series #1) by Melissa Foster - Free Book Online

Book: Sisters in Love (Snow Sisters, Book One: Love in Bloom Series #1) by Melissa Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Foster
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary Romance, steamy romance, Love Story, hot, family relationshiops
after the weekend, but it was officially Monday morning, and
early or not, she was in work mode. She bit her lower lip, fighting
the urge to retrieve the message.
    It was Monday. Someone needed something. She
grabbed the phone, pushed the blinking light, and retrieved the
message from a new client. She scribbled down the phone number and
dialed the phone.
    “Hello?” a deep voice answered.
    “Hi, this is Dr. Snow. Uh, um...” She
realized that there was no name left on the machine and hesitated
to say much more in case the person who called needed discretion.
Thankfully, she didn’t have to fill the gap.
    “Oh. Thanks for calling back. I wanted to
make an appointment.”
    He sounded tired. Didn’t they all? “Sure. Can you please tell me what you’re hoping to get help
    “I…uh…my best friend just died. I think I
need to talk about it.”
    She listened to him breathe and knew that he
needed her to take charge. “I’m sorry for your loss.” She flipped
through her calendar. She had time today at two o’clock, but she’d
hoped to get out and buy Michelle a black shirt that wasn’t
so…grungy looking. “I can see you tomorrow at three or Friday at
one thirty.”
    “Oh.” Disappointment sifted through the
airwaves. “I was hoping to start sooner.”
    “Are you having suicidal thoughts?” Her ears
perked up. Even after all her years of experience, she couldn’t
find a more tactful way to ask the most important questions.
    “What? No.” He sighed. “To be honest, I’m
afraid I might back out of the appointment if I think about it too
much. But I know I need it.”
    That made sense. She’d had too many
cancellations to count, and she’d worried about each one of them
for days afterward. That was another thing she had to work on,
letting go of the people who didn’t want her help. “Okay.” She
sighed. “Today at two is the only time I have this afternoon. You
should be aware that I don’t take insurance. My address is—”
    “I know just where you are. Thank you. I’ll
be there.” He hung up the phone.
    Danica stared at the receiver. She hadn’t
even gotten his name. She set the receiver down and scribbled new client in her appointment calendar, adding friend
died, and then wrote down the phone number next to the

    Blake stood in front of Dr. Snow’s office
door. He lifted his hand to knock, then realized he had no idea of
the proper etiquette at a therapist’s office. What if right inside
the door was her desk and a couch that he’d need to sit down on. Sit down? What if people really did lie down on the couch?
What was typical? Normal? His chest constricted with
    He looked at the stairs behind him and
thought about fleeing. She had his phone number. He could leave a
message and say he was ill, or stand her up and miss the
appointment. Juvenile . Sally had called earlier, and his
heart had nearly broken through his chest, he’d been so nervous.
He’d rushed off the phone, claiming he was busy, but the truth was
that he didn’t even know how to act with her. Cheerful? Sad?
Consolatory? He was an emotional idiot.
    Blake knew that the first year after
AcroSki's opening had been difficult for Sally. Their income hadn’t
taken off until after they’d paid back the bank loan they’d taken
to buy the store, but Sally had never complained. She’d supported
Dave, even with the late evenings it took to get the store off the
ground. She’d bring dinners for them when they worked late, and
she’d always included Blake. He needed to do this. For Dave. For
Sally. For himself.
    Just as Blake reached for the knob, the door
swung open. A short, wide-eyed, heavy man—looking as startled as
Blake felt—stood before him. The man dropped his gaze to the
    “She’s all yours,” the man said, as he
hurried past Blake.
    Blake walked into the small reception area.
Four chairs, two on each side of the room, separated by an antique
coffee table, gave

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