Sirens of the Zombie Apocalypse (Book 2): Siren Songs

Read Online Sirens of the Zombie Apocalypse (Book 2): Siren Songs by E.E. Isherwood - Free Book Online

Book: Sirens of the Zombie Apocalypse (Book 2): Siren Songs by E.E. Isherwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: E.E. Isherwood
Tags: Zombies
protecting was dressed exactly as you'd expect from a G-man type.
Black slacks. White shirt. Sport jacket over the shoulder. Smart tie
around his neck. Mirror shades. The only incongruity was the brown
cowboy boots. Maybe that's how they did it in the corn fields of
    Mirror man walked directly up to the microphone, picked it up, and
pinged it one time for a mic check. He had slicked back jet-black
hair, was clean shaven, and looked to be about fifty. His face was
otherwise average, but his gray eyes revealed a man who was supremely
focused on his task. Not once did he look at Liam, Victoria, or
anyone else on the bridge.
    “Hello.” He spoke into the microphone. “Hello,”
he calmly repeated.
    If he didn't see it happen Liam wouldn't have believed the crowd
could actually be “talked down” from the
foam-in-the-mouth fury they expressed minutes earlier. Slowly the
crowd stepped back from the edge of chaos. Merciful silence was
    “I'm Special Agent In Charge Duchesne. I'm with the
Department of Homeland Security.”
    The two security men happened to be standing precisely where Liam
could see both of them at the same time. He thought he noticed the
slightest glance to their leader from both of them.
    “My job here today is to help protect you citizens in this
time of crisis. I know you're scared.” He paused to let that
sink in. “I know many of you have walked through some ugly
situations—including roadblocks set up by idiots like Jack back
there.” He was pointing over his shoulder. Jack was probably
running for his life now. “I'm here as part of the Federal
effort to ensure our citizens get the best care their federal
family can provide. We're all in this together.”
    The agent went on; a very accomplished speaker taking control of
the situation. The crowd heard what they wanted to hear. Someone in
charge who was going to tell them what to do. Agent Duchesne began
listing facts and figures about survival rates in the city, locations
of FEMA hospitals, and even said the US Army had a brigade of troops
moving up this very highway from their base in Arkansas to help
protect them. He then began listing resources they had set up for
food disbursement throughout Jefferson County. Liam wanted to believe
it. The government was here to help right?
    “And we're working on the vaccine for the sickness. That
will be given out at the FEMA centers. You just have to turn around.”
    Victoria looked at Liam, apparently studying what she saw on his
face. “You don't believe him do you? What he's saying is horse
hockey. You know that right ? We didn't pass any food
distribution centers and we've been all over the place. Have you
heard of a vaccine?”
    No, but I want to believe.
    Liam looked down at the crowd while he was digesting. Something
amazing had happened. They were all standing there talking to each
other, as if they were discussing the weather. Did they believe what
the agent had told them? Stuck between false hope and hopelessness
they seemed to be selecting false hope. They had to know it was all a
long shot. An impossible shot.
    Don't get involved. This is for the adults to handle.
    He found himself wishing his dad was there. He'd know just what to
say to make this situation resolve itself satisfactorily. He
desperately wanted to avoid being the one making the decisions.
    Get involved. You can't let this happen.
    He thought of the teens pushing the chicken. Who would speak for
them? He looked down into the crowd and saw women, children, the
elderly. Would they really turn around because this guy said it was
the right thing to do?
    Yes, but don't get involved. Someone else will save the day.
    The agent carried on with more soothing words. All lies.
    Why is no one stepping up? I can't be the only one seeing this?
Where is Mark? Phil?
    He knew they were somewhere below, but he had no idea what they
were actually doing down there. He was supposed to be the diversion
for them, but they didn't

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