Silvia Day

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Book: Silvia Day by Pleasures of the Night Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pleasures of the Night
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“No way.”
    “If you don’t agree to a checkup, I’m not letting you go to work.”
    “Mom…” She glared down the stairs, but the stubborn set of maternal jaw told her arguing would be pointless. “Fine,” she conceded grudgingly, “but you have to make me coffee, too.”
    A shower and three cups of java later, Lyssa was speeding out of her condo complex on her way to work. It was still a bit foggy and gray in the valley, with a slight chill in the air that invigorated her. She didn’t feel rested as she had last week, but she didn’t feel as if she was going to fall asleep at the wheel, either. That fact alone started her day off on a lighter foot.
    She was whistling when she pulled open the heavy steel door to the back of her clinic, and by the time she entered Exam Room One with its pretty blue and white striped wallpaper, Lyssa was full-on smiling.
    “Good morning,” she greeted, her eyes widening as her patient’s owner turned to face her. “I’m Dr. Bates.”
    Tall with short-cropped dark hair, he was handsome and well-built, filling a loose pair of jeans and tight black T-shirt to perfection. The writing on the shirt betrayed his occupation as a fireman, a job she admired.
    He shook her outstretched hand. “Chad Dawson.” He gestured to the beautiful German shepherd who sat elegantly by his feet. “This is Lady.”
    “Hi, Lady.”
    Lady held out her paw for a shake.
    “What a clever girl you are, Lady,” she praised, glancing at the chart in her hand. “Shots, I see. I promise to be gentle.”
    Never one to torture her patients, Lyssa got straight to it and then offered a treat in reward. The whole time, Mr. Lady hovered nearby, his cologne a gentle presence in the room, his large body absorbing all the space. She was keenly aware of him and his undisguised interest, so when she finished notating the chart and prepared to move on to thenext room, she wasn’t surprised when he stopped her.
    “Dr. Bates?”
    “I appreciate your care for Lady. She hates shots, and shakes like a leaf when we come to the vet.”
    Lyssa rubbed Lady behind the ears. “You were very brave, Lady. One of my best patients ever.” She glanced up. “She’s a wonderful dog, Mr. Dawson.”
    “Call me Chad, please.”
    She smiled, but her stomach did a little flip that was partly excited and partly panicked.
    “I hope you don’t mind,” he began with a sheepish smile, “but I noticed you’re not wearing a wedding band. Are you seeing anyone?”
    The urge to say yes was strong and confusing. “Not unless you count grumpy cats.”
    His returning grin was dazzling. “In that case, I’d like to take you out to dinner sometime, if you’re open to dating owners.”
    “I never have before,” she admitted, “but there’s always a first time.”
    She pulled a notepad featuring a pharmaceutical advertisement out of a drawer, and they exchanged numbers and set a date for the weekend.
    Lyssa stayed in the room a short while after Chad and Lady left, trying to figure out why a date with a hunky fireman who liked dogs was making her sad.
    Hidden beyond the edge of the Twilight, Aidan stared at the woman writhing on the bed. She keened softly, her naked body arching upward as she stroked her clit with onehand while thrusting two fingers deep into the drenched cleft of her sex with the other.
    He barely blinked, refusing to look away, his mind urging his errant body to cooperate and become aroused. Around him, he felt and heard the Nightmares moving in, drawn to the energy the Dreamer was exuding into the Twilight. She was as vulnerable as it was possible to be, and it was his job to lead her to safety. But despite his sincere wish to help her, he couldn’t find the tiniest bit of desire for the task ahead.
    Sighing, Aidan closed his eyes and sent out a silent call for help. As the woman on the bed moaned in the beginnings of a climax, he felt a presence at his side.
    “I was coming to find you

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