Silver Cathedral Saga

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Book: Silver Cathedral Saga by Marcus Riddle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcus Riddle
Tags: Fantasy, magick, silver cathedral
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to keep your minds on the goal: To survive against the true
enemies. Out there. I will not stand by and let your humanity
destroy what has taken too long to be built between our three
planets. I will not let the Starao worlds go back to war, nor allow
this game to fuel it to do so. So, from this day forth, there will
be no games, no competition. Only training. Training with our own
people, from our own worlds. I have sat in the darkness in the past
more than anyone should have to: Letting greed kill too many, and
make the few rich—whilst the rest suffer. It has happened too often
in the past, and I will not let it repeat itself. I will not let
competition eat every single one of us up—not again. Not this time.
Not this day!”


here,” said Ematay interrupting Christian’s thoughts; his
    Eleanor and
Ematay looked above them. They stood before the Mistless Mountain:
A mountain that no clog had ever formed around, though no one knew
exactly why.
    It stood so
tall they could not see the tip at this angle, and the clogs they
travelled through made sure they could not from a distance easily
    “Now what?”
said Eleanor to Christian. She looked back to the thick mist
clouding their path they had just taken.
whispered to himself: “’You might mistake it for a star. But then
that means you’re not so far. Within this structure there are many.
Although the two with jewels will help you plenty…’” He frowned at
the base of the mountain. “The real question is if the mountain is
the structure the riddle is talking about. Does it house something
more secretive inside.” He paused in thought. “I’m not sure.” The
boy looked to the bright, close star now, and showed a facial
expression that he just discovered something. He got off the horse
and traced their steps back a few paces, seeing a light he did not
notice before radiate from the star; the light was hardly
noticeable because of its size, unless you waited for a minute like
Christian; and measured the small, strong white light on the ground
with a bit of string he had always kept in his pocket.
    It moved.
Granted, it wasn’t far; yet it had still moved noticeable enough
for eyes that could see minute detail.
    “What is
it?” said Eleanor getting of the horse. She looked at the hills
blocking anybody from seeing them on one side, and the mountain on
the other. They were alone, and they most certainly felt it.
    “I think
we’ve been looking for this in the wrong place,” said Christian.
“The light from the star is moving. Which means either the star is
tracking something, or is guiding us to where we want to go.”
    “Do you
think it is the—” Eleanor was interrupted:
    “I really
do. Only, if it is, then that means the Silver Cathedral is right
beneath us.”
Star-caster thought of something suddenly then vanished from sight,
for a few seconds.
    He became
visible again, scaring the two children briefly, and spoke: “I
could see invisible light when I was invisible; from the star you
are talking about. I think you might be right with this one. It is
directing us inside.”
    “With this
one? I haven’t been wrong yet,” said Christian, annoyed. He waited
a moment before carrying on. “It flies. Yes. There is no doubt
about it: The Silver Cathedral is floating in-between the floating
land we are standing on now and the sea below. And this star is
showing us where it is. I think. I hope. No, no, no. I know.”
    “What do
you need us for?” asked Eleanor, “if you can carry a two way
conversation with yourself.”
    “oh, hardy
ha ha madam find a lot,” replied Christian.
    “I could of
told you that,” said Ematay. “If you asked. And the light seems to
be moving very slowly towards the Mistless Mountain,” said the
Star-caster. “Please stay on track folks.”
    “Then I
believe that is where we’ll find the jewels to get us there,” said

    The three
of them

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