Silver & Black

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Book: Silver & Black by Tyler May Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tyler May
bedtime story to a child.
    “What? Young enough to still ―what?”
    I roll laughing. I’m so immature. “I saw your license on the table in the living room when you went back up to get ready after breakfast.”
    “You asshole―I actually believed you.” He throws his head back laughing. “You had me there,” he says rubbing my arm. “Look, we’re not meeting tonight. You need to study, but you should still come to my place and I will make sure you stay on task.” He traces my jaw with his kiss.
    “I don’t know if I can stay on task when you kiss me like that,” I mutter against his lips and he savors my taste again.
    “Oh, Mr. Black, I am very strict when it comes to work, and school is work. If you feel more comfortable you can stay home.”
    “Oh, can I?” I joke. “I do have to go home to get a few things, but I would like to come back. I kind of like sleeping with you.”
    “I didn’t say you could sleep with me again. That was a one-time thing,” he says with the most serious look on his face.  I look at him confused and then he starts to laugh. Silver has a sense of humor; I love that.
    “You jerk; I thought you were serious there for a minute. I don’t know if you know this or not, but you are a very hard man to read,” I say jokingly but the statement is completely honest.
    He pulls me almost on top of him. “I hear that a lot actually, but as you get to know me, as we get to know each other that will change. Plus, I had to get you for the age thing. It’s terrible flirting.” It’s beautiful flirting, and it’s working by the way. His laugh fades and he looks me passionately in the eyes. “You are always welcome in my bed and in my home.” He dips me into his lap and kisses me. Kisses me hard, kisses me to the point that I want to rip his clothes off in front of Connor and everything.  Fuck. I have to stop before I can’t. He beats me to it. “I’ll send Connor for you this evening.” Conner is right here. It’s weird that we’re talking like this in front of him, but he must be used to it.
    “Ok, how about I get a pizza on the way over and we just have a casual night?” I offer a plan.
    “Casual night?” His gaze is intense.
    “Mmhmm, casual night: lounging, studying, talking, and eating greasy cheesy pizza. There’s this awesome pizza place by my apartment. I love it. I’ll stop, get it, and bring it over.” I sit up and shuffle to my side of the backseat. “How’s that sound?”
    “Just about perfect.” He reaches in his pocket and pulls out his wallet. He hands me a stack of cash. “Here–for the pizza.”
    “I can get the pizza. I don’t need your money.” I push his hand back.
    “Please take it. I don’t feel right. I want to buy it for us.” His voice is stern, yet compelling.
    “What if I don’t want to?” I push my lip out to pout and he rolls his eyes.
    “Please, that doesn’t work on me. You’ll take the money. Take it.” He drops it on my lap. There must be at least a hundred dollars here.
    “Fine, only because I’m broke.” I grin and he shakes his head.
    “Don’t tell me that or I’ll search out your bank accounts and do ‘mysterious’ deposits.” I actually believe he would too.
    “I don’t have bank accounts,” I say, putting the money into my backpack.
    “You’re killing me here, Greyson.” He leans his head back on the head rest. “Tell me you’re kidding.”
    “Seriously, I let Levi hold my money.” He looks at me like I am a crazy person. “I have my reasons, Silver. Just know it’s justified.”
    “Ok, I’ll let it go for today .” We pull up to the curb outside of the coffeehouse. I can see Jeff and another barista working behind the counter. “You ready for this?” No, I want to stay with you.
    “As ready as I’ll ever be.” I climb out and Silver exits his door. He meets me on my side, which is facing the windows of the coffeehouse. Jeff notices right away and is watching us. He closes my door and

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