Silenced 2: The Overtaking (Silenced Series)

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Book: Silenced 2: The Overtaking (Silenced Series) by RaeBeth McGee-Buda Read Free Book Online
Authors: RaeBeth McGee-Buda
but the autopsy revealed that’s what had happened.
    As we dr ive downtown to Donna’s house, memories start flooding my mind. Tears come and I don’t have the strength to hold them back. Surprisingly, no one asks what’s wrong. They seem mesmerized by the surroundings. Casey’s surprised to see military officials. This is normal for me.
    Seeing trees is weird for me at first. I mean, we have trees back home, but not nearly as many in West Virginia. Stores line each street, and what I consider hills are just bumps in the ground compared to West Virginia. It’s kind of funny. I can’t believe I managed to adapt to what I now call home. Actually, it isn’t as hard as I thought it would be.
    “ We’re here.” I announce to everyone.
    Knowing the area, I g et out of the car and open the trunk. Instead of staying at Donna’s, we agree to stay at a hotel. Landon doesn’t like staying in someone’s house when he doesn’t know them. I told him Donna’s very loving and wouldn’t mind, but now that I think about it, I don’t think I can stay either.
    “ So...where does Donna live?” Casey asks.
    “ Oh, it’s like two minutes that way.” I say, pointing down the street that’s diagonally to the left of us. “I want to check into the hotel first, and then we can go.” I add.
    No one object s. The hotel checks us in quickly and before I know it we’re pulling into Donnas’ drive. This is harder than what I thought. Tears flow like a turbulent river that’s thawing after a cold, freezing winter.
    “ I can’t do this. I can’t drive down this driveway knowing when I reach the door, Sarah won’t be there. I just can’t.” I reveal through tears.
    Casey and Patrick look a t Landon at the same time. It’s like they are silently asking him what they should do. I already made it a point to tell them on several parts of our trip not to mention Sarah anymore. Now, here I am crying over her. I can feel that Landon wants to help but doesn’t know how.
    “ I know it’s easy for me to say, but everything will get easier.” Casey says gently.
    I kn ow who Casey’s talking about. Her mother passed away when she was younger. It makes her feel better that someone here knows how she feels. I didn’t think of Betty, Landon’s mother who’s on her death bed. He knows what it’s like to be losing someone but he hasn’t lost her yet.
    “ Thank you.” I say, addressing Casey.
    “ We need to do this, Amber.” Landon says trying to help. “I can drive the rest of the way, or you can. Just take it slow.”
    “ I want to drive. It’s going to be hard, but it’s something I need to do.” I say, putting my car in gear.
    I slowly push on the gas. A few minutes later, I’m putting the car in park and trying to get out. It’s hard to see because of all the tears. As I step out of the car, I look up at the house, and close my car door. I see Donna come out onto her porch.
    “ Amber, you’re here. Honey, you didn’t call and tell me you made it into town.” She says trying to smile.
    “ I’m sorry. It’s just with seeing my old stomping grounds and the reason why I’m here it’s getting to me. I’m so used to coming up to the porch and Sarah coming out. That’s never going to happen again.” I cry, starting one of those hiccupping, snot cries.
    “ I understand. I keep telling myself whatever she was going through, she doesn’t have to anymore. She’s not in pain. She’s free, happy. We’re all going to miss her terribly………but… let’s stop this. Introduce me to your friends.” Donna says trying to be strong.
    “ Okay...” I say, walking over to Landon. “This is my boyfriend, Landon. That’s Casey and Patrick.” I motion in each of their directions, “Nothing here has changed.” I finish as I look around.
    “ No, you know we really don’t like change. Allen thinks it’s too much work. You know how long it took him to change the pipes underneath the kitchen sink. I don’t want to

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