Signs of Love: Stupid Cupid

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Book: Signs of Love: Stupid Cupid by Melody James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melody James
Friday night. ‘Not really.’
    He slides something from his back pocket. ‘I’ve got a spare ticket,’ he says, turning over a thin blue strip in his fingers ‘For our Sounds gig.’
    ‘I thought it was sold out.’ Savannah’s been trying to get hold of tickets since Monday but it seems like the school’s already bought out the gig.
    ‘I get a few extra.’ He stares at the ticket thoughtfully and I wonder if he really wants to give it to me.
    ‘If you’d rather give it to someone else—’ I begin.
    ‘No.’ He thrusts it at me. ‘I figure you’ve heard me talking about the new set for so long, you deserve to hear it.’ He half looks at me then sits down and grabs
his guitar.
    ‘Thanks, Sam.’ I’m flattered. I thought he’d save his tickets for his Year Ten friends. They must have tickets already. ‘I’m really looking forward to
    ‘Gemma,’ Will interrupts.
    I spin, surprised. ‘What?’
    ‘Do you want to start helping me on this article?’ he asks.
    I wonder if there’s a hidden camera in the room. Why does he suddenly seem fine with me helping him? It must be a set up. Some kind of experiment to see what happens if you snatch the
Invisibility Cloak off a Year Nine without warning.
    ‘Well?’ he growls. His dark gaze turns all Voldemort.
    My brain shuts down. Except for the huge, dumb bit that controls my mouth. ‘I’m really looking forward to working with you. I’m just so happy you agreed to let me help. I
promise I’ll do my best. I really want to –’
    ‘Yeah, whatever.’ He shuts me up. ‘Do you want to know what the story’s about?’
    ‘The story?’ I’ve turned into a parrot.
    ‘You . . . know . . .’ Will slows his speech like I’m French. ‘The . . . story . . . you’re . . . going . . . to . . . help . . . me . . . with.’
    Sam’s chair scrapes behind me. The sudden noise jumpstarts my brain. ‘Yes!’ I say. ‘The story. Yes!’
    Will stares past me at Sam. ‘We need privacy though.’
    Sam sniffs. ‘I get the message.’ Swinging his guitar, he lopes out of the room.
    Will closes the door after him.
    ‘I’m really happy you’ve agreed to let me help.’ I’m gabbling again.
    ‘So you said already.’ Will starts pacing. ‘Let’s agree you’re pleased and get on with it.’
    He’s breezing back and forth past me. I feel like I’m watching tennis.
    ‘First—’ He stops suddenly. ‘You have to swear to keep this secret.’
    ‘Secret?’ I think back to my dishes daydream about the warehouse and human trafficking. ‘Is it dangerous?’ Excitement prickles my skin.
    ‘Could be.’ Will starts pacing again. ‘You’re going to need to keep your cool.’ He puts the brakes on and leans toward me. ‘You can do that, right?’ He
frowns. ‘If you have to?’
    ‘Yes,’ I promise, hoping it’s true. I’ve never faced a really dangerous situation before. What if I lose my cool? What if I end up a quivering wreck who can’t even
hold a torch straight?
    ‘OK then.’ He sits back on a desk and stretches out his legs. ‘You swear?’
    ‘Sometimes,’ I confess, ‘but not really bad words.’
    He gives me a wake-up-you-idiot look. ‘Not that kind of swear,’ he snaps. ‘Do you swear to keep what I’m about to tell you secret?’
    I catch up, blushing. ‘Yes,’ I say hurriedly. ‘Absolutely. Scout’s honour.’
    ‘Great.’ Will starts tapping his foot. ‘I have a girl scout for a partner. This is what Watergate must have been like.’
    ‘Watergate,’ he repeats. ‘Woodward and Bernstein? President Nixon? Secret tapes?’
    It rings a bell but I can’t place it. ‘Like the X-Files?’
    ‘Look,’ he sighs. ‘Just Google it when you get home. Right now I need you to listen. We’re going to be working on a story about Sounds.’
    I stare at him.
    ‘The nightclub?’ Will reaches forward and raps his knuckles lightly on my head. ‘Where lover-boy’s gigging on Friday night?’
    ‘Oh yeah.’ I

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