Shipmate: A Royal Regard Prequel Novella
    Her breathing ceased, full stop, at the
unwelcome thought of a small gathering of the aristocracy at the
Prince’s residence, followed by a private interview with his Royal
Highness. If Char weren’t also invited, she would have fainted, and
her consciousness was not yet a sure thing, especially once she
reached the Royal Presence.
    “I’m not sure I can—”
    “You can, my dear,” he said, patting the
hand she had twisted in her skirt, “for you have agreed to follow
my directives in such matters. I will buy you a new dress for the
occasion, but the modiste must sew quickly.”
    “But you’ve said—”
    “Of course you may expect to own a more
fetching gown for evening, if you are to represent the Crown.” He
grasped her hand, straightening the fingers and wrapping them
around his own. “Though you must understand, a ship, even one
designed with a wife in mind, is not the place for fancy fashions.
Nor is ostentation particularly seemly, to my mind, for a Christian
    “Yes, Sir, you’ve said. I’ve sent for my
simpler clothes, though all I have here is dresses for the Season.
Charlotte has seen to that. I daresay we have something that will
do for the king.” Biting her lip, she started to speak twice and
stopped. Finally, the third time, she said, “I am not certain of my
ability to represent the Crown, my lord.”
    “I, however, am certain.”
    “I haven’t the… the backbone, Sir. The
    “I shall provide your backbone until you
find it within yourself.” He smiled at her and touched her
shoulder, as though he would steady her. “And you will, Miss
Smithson. I have faith.”
    “Yes, Sir.” She dropped her eyes, not in the
least convinced, but well used to doing as she was told.
    Her breathing evened a bit, having agreed.
In some ways, his gentle demands were a comfort, for she very much
doubted she would ever be chastised with fists for any mistake.
“You will be my husband, and I will follow your instruction.”
    “Good girl. I have one other… it is rather…
er…” He stepped across the room and reached out the door; he must
have left something on the hall table. “I will drop you at the
shops when I leave here, and I beg you take this with you to the modiste and ensure they are well-fitted.”
    His face was flushed, and he seemed
reluctant to hand her the long, flat box. “I assure you, Miss
Smithson, this is in no way…” he was nearly choking. “…prurient. It
is not that I wish to discuss your…undergarments… only… When we
travel, you will need to wear certain… your… I’ve had stays made…
boned with gold coin, and I will require you to wear them while we
    He shoved the box at her, and she took it,
sure her face couldn’t be redder than his. She set the box aside,
saying, “I am confused, my lord. Gold coin?”
    He took a deep breath and collected himself,
once again nominally in command. “I do not wish to put you in fear,
Miss Smithson, but travel by sea is not always predictable. I
should wish any wife of mine to be able to access a few hundred
pounds in gold should she find herself in need of it. You must
never tell anyone it is there but for the direst circumstance, and
you must wear it wherever we go. I’ve had two made, but I know
little of women’s fashions. You should have them adjusted in
whatever way will make them most comfortable.
    “As such, and considering your summons, you
must attend the modiste without delay. You may ask Lady
Charlotte to accompany you, if it is convenient.” He paused, and
when he gathered his voice, he continued, “I prefer Lady
Effingale’s taste not be considered in this outing.”
    For once, she would not be subject to
opinions designed to show her to disadvantage. Or rather, to show
Charlotte to advantage right next to her. If nothing else, she
might adore a man who insisted upon that.
    “Let me ask after Charlotte’s plans for the
day and gather my things.”

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