She's Only Seventeen: A Novel of Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll

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Book: She's Only Seventeen: A Novel of Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll by K. M. Ellis Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. M. Ellis
    Her face broke into a wide smile as she kissed his lips fully in front of us all.
    Shane gave her a light tap on her bum as she giggled and turned back to me, all smiles now.
    When we performed that night she was flawless.
    That Same Night
    “Everything went pretty smoothly, don’t you think, Shane?” I asked
    Shane didn’t seem to hear me; his eyes were focused on Kat who was in the corner of the dressing room talking to James.
    ‘Shane?” I said again
    “Oh, erm, yeah,” he responded
    “Are you even listening to me?” I asked already knowing the answer
    “Yeah… sorry… what?”
    I repeated the question.
    “Yeah,” Shane started, “It was good, real good. I’m glad we got them on board.”
    I smiled to myself and looked over at Kat, myself. I wondered, could I have her again? It was too risky to try, but the reward would be delightful.
    Later again that same night
    Celebrating from our first night on tour, we got back to the hotel still hyped with energy. Brain suggested we play truth or dare in our tipsy and drunken states. I agreed with a smile and laugh at how childish these guys could be. Drew even decided to participate. He had been extremely quite since my arrival and had not participated in much of the group activities. Drew then looked right at me and said “truth or dare”.
    I was shocked because he had not spoken to me the whole time I had been there and this was his first words after years? I laughed aloud and said dare, but Drew wasn’t laughing at all. He looked at me hard and said “I dare you to kiss me.”
    I just stared at him and lifted my eyebrows.
    “What?” He asked.
    I saw he was totally serious; he really wanted me to kiss him in a room full of people.
    “You’re… you’re serious”
    He was indeed.
    Everything was spinning fast around me when finally I regained my balance and got up to stand in front of Drew. Like a young girl giving a boy her first kiss on the school yard, I gave him a quick smack on the cheek and went to turn away.
    He gave me a cocked smile which seemed to say “that’s it”? I smile at him as he moved closer to me, taking me by the waist and touching my lips with his in a silent apology for the last few years. He pulled me closer into a more passionate kiss which spread tingles throughout my body and deep into my core. I needed more of him, I couldn’t get enough. Suddenly in one smooth motion, he grabbed me by the waist and threw me over his shoulder. I didn’t say a word; I was too numb with desire and surprise. Drew carried me to his bedroom while I heard the protests of all the guys. We had ruined the game but started our own.
    Once Drew closed the door, we both realized how much of a rush we were in to be intimate. We hadn’t had sex in years but I knew his body like my own and he mine. He was ready and so was I. I was excited to show Drew that I wasn’t the inexperienced girl he once knew; now I was a woman who had her share of sexual experiences and experiments. We didn’t even have time to take off our clothes; he just hiked up my skirt as he threw me onto the bed. He pulled off his pants as he tore off my thong. He had bent down to kiss me softly, and then spit into his hand to lube up his cock and thrusting inside of me. He froze as he gave me a winning smile. I edged him on by moving my hips upwards. Finally he bent down his head to kiss me slowly. He soon started moving in me slowly at first then his movements became more urgent with need. He became like a mad man as he grabbed my legs and threw them over his shoulders. And with that, we both had that sexual satisfaction and release which was so much needed.
    December 1984
    Early the next morning
    I couldn’t believe what I had seen. Drew had taken her away right in front of me and she had let him! I felt like such an idiot that I had let myself be drawn to her. I mean, we were having sex, wasn’t there a fine line where she shouldn’t be going off

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