She's Gotta Have It: A Hood Love Story

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Book: She's Gotta Have It: A Hood Love Story by Shvonne Latrice Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shvonne Latrice
Tags: United States, Romance, Literature & Fiction, Genre Fiction, Urban, African American
as he caught a falling Poppy.
    “Yeah, yeah,” she replied waving him off.
    She made him a margarita, and we all chatted a bit as he finished his. I saw Poppy was on one, so I rubbed my hand up her thigh. She tensed up and stared at me in confusion. I cupped her face, and then stuck my tongue into her mouth, as she rubbed on my breasts. I looked over at Noah, whose jaw was on the floor, as Poppy kissed my neck. I waved him over, and he hopped up with the quickness.
    We headed up to the bedroom, and all began to undress while kissing. Noah and I were the main ones kissing on the lips, as Poppy kissed all down my back and ass cheeks. Damn, has she been wanting me this whole time? I wondered as Noah threw me onto the bed.
    Poppy climbed between my legs, and started to flick her tongue over my clit. Noah entered her from behind, and pumped her feverishly as she stuck her fingers in my pussy. She was eating pussy like she had done it before.
    “Ooohh!” I purred as she devoured my pussy, licking up all my juices in the process. She was going ham, like my shit was medicine to a disease she had.
    All of a sudden, she stopped licking and plopped down. I looked at Noah, and then lifted her face up. She was passed the fuck out. I rolled her ass to the side, and pulled Noah close to me. He grabbed a condom from his dresser, slid it on, and then entered me.
    “Fuck,” he moaned as soon as he got in. “I knew I should’ve stayed away from this shit,” he growled, referring to my good shit.
    He placed my legs on his shoulders and pumped nice and slow. He bent down and started to suck my nipples hard.
    “Noah… Ahhh!” I cooed. Qadir had better dick, but this wasn’t half bad. “I'm about to cum daddy!” I yelled.
    “Fuck, me too,” he whispered as he sucked my lips. He sped up, making the sound of our bodies smacking together, boom through the house.
    “Uhhhh!” we both shouted as we achieved an orgasm.
    He left his dick inside me, and carried me to the shower. He slid out, removed the condom, and then reentered me raw in the shower.
    “I been wanting to fuck you so bad,” he said in a low tone as the water ran over our bodies.
    He pumped me fast as we screamed to the high heavens. Poppy could be dead for all I cared at this point.
    One month later...
    Cassian and I had been spending a lot of time together, and I felt happier in life in general. I got over the whole thing of feeling like I was cheating on Craig. It’d been a long time since I dated anyone, so I’m sure even Craig would urge me to keep up with Cassian.
    It was Sunday morning, and surprisingly I heard Andi downstairs in the kitchen. I guess she was finally taking a break from being up under Hollis twenty-four seven. I heard her talking to Zooey, and I smiled because Zooey rarely ever came over. As I got out of bed, my phone chimed and I saw it was a text from Cassian.
    Cassian: Hey baby.
    Me: Hi babe. I was cheesing so hard that my face was hurting.
    Cassian: Come over tonight?
    Me: Okay, I will get there around seven.
    I was finally gonna go over to his house. I was scared to go prior, because I didn’t want to end up having sex with him. Now I felt more comfortable, and I knew he wasn’t a creep that would try and force me, so I was ready to go. Also, I knew he wasn’t just talking to me in order to fuck.
    “Good morning ladies,” I smiled at my sisters as I sat at the island.
    “Good morning,” they replied in unison.
    “So you’ve been hanging out with Cassian, I see.” Andi raised a brow as she handed me a plate of food.
    “Yeah,” I grinned and Zooey rolled her eyes.
    “Jos, he ain’t had a hit in months,” Andi frowned.
    “So, what the fuck does that have to do with me?” I shrugged irritated. Cassian and I weren’t official, but I still didn’t like people talking about him.
    “He can’t do nothing for you unless he’s at the top of the charts,” Zooey replied.
    “Y’all know I don’t care about

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