Sheriff in Her Stocking

Read Online Sheriff in Her Stocking by Cheryl Gorman - Free Book Online

Book: Sheriff in Her Stocking by Cheryl Gorman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Gorman
heard Delaney stomping
around in the back followed by loud muttering and a couple of expletives. He
strolled to the door leading into the areas where the jail cells were located.
He saw Delaney pacing from one side of her cell to the other, a frown creasing
her pretty face, her hands bunched into fists at her sides. “Something stuck in
your craw?”
    At the sound of
his voice, she stopped and jerked her head in his direction. She pressed her
kissable mouth into a firm line. “Yeah. Lenore!”
    Rick frowned.
“Wanna talk about it?”
later.”  She shrugged into her jacket, pulled her cell phone from her
purse and shoved it into one of the pockets of her jacket. “Right now I need a
brisk walk in the snow.”
    He didn’t like
the idea of her going out alone when she was so angry. “Would you mind some
    She sighed and a
flicker of resignation briefly crossed her face. “Okay. . .but please no
    A couple of
minutes later, Rick and Delaney were headed north on Main Street. Delaney
stomped through the snow, her breath escaping in rapid puffs of white
condensation before dissipating in the air. Her hands, bunched into fists at her
sides swung slightly as she walked. Looking straight ahead she never glanced
his way, just kept muttering to herself. She was sure steamed about whatever
Lenore had done.
    Being much
taller than Delaney, Rick didn’t need to expend much effort to keep up with
her. He grasped her arm bringing her to a halt. “You’d feel better if you got
it off your chest.”
    Delaney propped
her fists on her hips, raised her chin and glared at him. “Fine. Lenore Shaw is
some piece of work you hooked up with.”  She ground out the words, her
eyes flashed with irritation. “She had the gall to come by your office and tell
me in no uncertain terms to stay away from you. Can you believe it?” 
Delaney threw her hands up in the air then took off marching again.
    Rick watched her
walk away and exhaled a deep breath. Great. He caught up with Delaney just as
she reached the corner of fourth and Main. “Look, I’m sorry. Lenore may come on
like a spoiled bitch but she’s actually got a soft heart. It’s just hard for
her to show it because she’s been through some really tough times.”
    Delaney stopped
in her tracks and folded her arms over her chest. Her eyes widened with
surprise and accusation sparked in their depths. “You’re defending her.” 
    “You make it
sound like I just kicked a puppy.”
    She shook her
head in a short, jerky motion and held her hands up palm facing outward.
“Forget the chemistry that’s between us. I don’t need this. All I need is my
car and a tank of gas so I can get the heck out of Dodge.”
    The thought of
never seeing Delaney again caused a twist of panic to squeeze his heart. What
was that about?  “I meant what I said last night. I want the chance to get
to know you better.”  He paused for a moment and gathered his thoughts. “I
should have ended my relationship with Lenore months ago. Rest assured I will
before this day is out.”
    She smirked.
“Yeah, right, like that’s going to happen. Lenore has her claws sunk so deep in
you they’re buried in your bone marrow. She’ll never let you go.”
    Rick waved a
hand through the air. “That’s ridiculous.”
    Delaney turned
to walk away when she slipped on a patch of ice. Rick reached for her just as
she started to fall and pulled her against him, chest to chest, thigh to thigh,
crotch to. . .A fiery heat licked its way into his groin as he nudged between
her legs. Delaney’s hands rested on his chest as she stared up at him, the
warmth of her body surrounding him. Her cheeks reddened by the cold highlighted
her sexy blue eyes. Her breath blew over his mouth and he licked his lips as if
he could taste her...
    He stood with
Delaney in the middle of a meadow surrounded by evergreens, their branches
laden with snow.  A fire crackled nearby, sending a wave of heat over

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