Shattered Souls

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Book: Shattered Souls by Delilah Devlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Delilah Devlin
on the fingerprint from the body in the lab. It’s definitely Henry’s.”
    Cait gave a quick nod, then sniffed and straightened her shoulders. Didn’t matter really that Henry had ended up looking like something passed through a meat grinder. Dead was dead.
    Jason’s foot smashed down on her toes, and he glared across the table.
    Cait angled her body toward Sam and cleared her throat. “Henry came to look into the disappearance of Lisa Farmington. That’s one of your girls, right? Her parents showed up in our office today. Henry had given them my name.”
    Sam blinked, and then his gaze ripped into her. “And you couldn’t have called me today to let me know? I’ve had a whole team trying to figure out what he was working on.”
    Cait shrugged. “Sorry.”
    “Dammit.” Sam slipped a hand into his pants pocket. “I’ll be right back. Have to call the guys and let them know so they don’t have to stay at it all night.” He slid from the booth and stalked away.
    Jason leaned across the table. “Why didn’t you call him?”
    Her gaze wouldn’t meet his. “I needed a break. I spent the whole morning with him manhandling me and making demands.”
    “He dragged me out of bed and tossed me into a cold shower.”
    His eyebrows rose and hazel eyes sparkled. “Think I’ll head on home. I don’t want to get in the middle of the fireworks.”
    “Think there’ll be some?” she murmured, feeling heat creep across her cheeks.
    “You didn’t see his face when he was walking toward the table.” Jason slid to the end of the bench and stood. Then he leaned down and kissed her cheek.
    She jerked back and scowled. “What was that for?”
    “He’s still watching,” he whispered, sauntering past.
    Cait didn’t dare glance behind her to watch the two men’s exchange. She sipped her Coke, wishing it was something stronger, something that would anesthetize her emotions, because she was in deep trouble. No one turned her on like Sam.
    The kiss they’d shared outside the station house had fueled her imagination all day long. Her body had come alive. Even now, her heart thudded against her chest. Her belly tightened, heat ripening her core. Her nipples beaded, poking against the scratchy lace of her bra.
    Get a grip, Cait! Tonight she knew she was destined for disappointment. She would spend hours tossing and turning restlessly because too many thoughts swirled in her head—about Henry and the Farmington girl, about Sam’s reappearance in her life. But mostly, she’d lose sleep because she’d be thinking about sex—with Sam—reliving the old days and wishing for the thousandth time she’d done things differently.
    “Let’s get out of here.”
    She jerked and then glanced up at Sam standing beside her. His expression was shuttered, his eyes cold. Had he seen Jason kiss her? Or was he still angry because she hadn’t called earlier to tell him she had a lead?
    Deciding now wasn’t the time to press for an answer, she followed him out of the bar. Rain was beginning to fall, and she scrunched her nose as she peered up into the dark sky. “I can catch the trolley home, you know. I won’t melt.”
    “I’ll drop you off.”
    His tone left no room for argument, so she caved, ungraciously. She grunted and walked ahead of him out onto the street. He’d parked his car close to the entrance. She waited while he hit the automatic unlock before sliding into the passenger seat. The drive to her building, a long row of connected, one-story apartments, was made in silence. She cast wary glances his way, but each time she did, his jaw flexed.
    A sure sign he was angry.
    Well, she wasn’t a mouse. And anger was better than disinterest. When he pulled into the parking lot, she flipped the door latch and climbed out, throwing a casual “G’night” over her shoulder and walking briskly to her door.
    The parking brake grated. A car door slammed behind her.
    She grinned, careful to wipe her face clear of

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