
Read Online Shattered by S. L Smith - Free Book Online

Book: Shattered by S. L Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. L Smith
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out of clothes I curl up for another restless night of dreaming of Caleb.
    I am running fast, trying to figure out how he found.  Trying to find an escape. I don’t know where I am or how I got here all I know is that I just need to keep running. Faster. Faster. Keep going Ryan. The further away the less chance he has of getting to you. My heart is slamming into my chest. Where am I, why am I running?  I feel big hands grab the back of my shirt throwing me down to the ground.  Slamming me hard against the uneven pavement. Just kick Ryan, fight your way out of his grip, but I can’t he’s too strong.  I am so tired so very tired. I want to let go because I am so tired………….
    I jolt out of bed covered in sweat and my bed sheets are all tangled between my legs. My heart is still racing from the nightmare. Looking around my room I am starting to calm down.  I just chant over and over again that it was only a dream.  Just a dream. I finally start to relax and look over at the night stand to see what time it is. Its 4:37 in the morning.  Ugh I just wanted one night where my dreams didn’t cause me restlessness. Laying back down I try to fall back asleep which I know will be hard but I need to try.
    The sound of my a larm startled me.  I look over and its 7:30 am. I am sprawled out all over my bed. I start to move trying to stretch my muscles from the restless nightmare. I decide that I should probably look at my phone to make sure that the girls got my call. Reaching over I take the phone off the charging dock and unlock it.
    Kris: 1:30 am: God woman are you crazy. Don’t ever just leave like that I am coming by in the morning to kick your ass!!!!
    Amanda : 1:48 am: Really?!!!???? Really what the hell!!! Caleb just came over and said you left! WTF woman!!! I am coming by in the morning taking all your snickers and cookie dough!!!
    Kylie: 2:15 am: Coming to kick your ass in the morning, just saying!!!!
    Great, just great.   I get to have my house flocked with cranky little white girls throwing hissy fits because I left the bar.  Feeling deflated and not looking forward to the hens clucking in my face I decide to get my ass up.  I don’t I decided not to go to the gym today so I instead I am going to jog around my neighborhood a couple of times.  I get my laces tied up and ear buds plugged in and I am ready to hit the road.
    My jog was exhilarating and relaxing.  Running gives me a chance to clear my head and get my thoughts in order. I tried not to think about him.  I tried really hard.  But his memory kept flooding back into my thoughts.  The run also prepared me for the ambush of questions that I am sure I will be getting from the girls.  As I enter my house I am not shocked to see all three girls cooking in my kitchen.
    “Hope you don’t mind Ry, we got hungry and we were tired of waiting on you.” Kris stated as she was flipping pancakes.
    ‘No its ok. I am hungry too.  So about last night.  Look I am fine.  Everything is fine. The guy scared me and so I decided that maybe it was just best for me to come home.  I didn’t want to be a Debbie Downer around you guys so I decided to leave. Look I know I should have said something but you guys looked so happy on the dance floor.  I promise next time I will let you know. “
    “Yes please do. No more running off like a mad person just because some guy wants to screw your brains out. Let him and move one.” Shoveling food in her mouth as Kylie was spitting out the words.
    “Um…. Ky, that’s not what I am talking about.  I was talking about the big lug that attacked me, not Caleb.”
    “Right, so the reason you left has nothing to do with the fact that the Greek God wants to jump your bones? Sure, I don’t buy that.” Amanda said.
    “Well it’s not.  And I am not going to let Caleb just “jump” my bones.  I am not that kind of girl.”
    “You could be”
    “Kylie, you little slut. Leave her alone and let her wallow around in self

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