
Read Online Shattered by Haven Anne Lennox - Free Book Online

Book: Shattered by Haven Anne Lennox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Haven Anne Lennox
keep your faith baby and it will get you by.
    She squeezes my hand once more and gets up. Then she is gone. She left my release papers on the sink. I just sit there and think. What if Storm and Liam are right and they can really keep us all safe. Can I take the chance. I walk to the sink I put one hand on each side and and lean forward to look at myself.
    I look broken. I look lost. I don’t look like the girl that use to always smile. I don’t even know who I am anymore. More tears. Im so sick of tears. I look back at myself and say” they can keep us safe, you know they can, stop fighting, let someone else fight Rainy” I spin around I have to do this before I change my mind. I grab the phone and call Liam first but he is out on a job so I call Storm.
    Yo, he answers by way of greeting.
    I freeze can I do this. The doubts start spinning in my head. What if Im left alone, or one of the boys get caught alone. What about Gen? I cant let anything happen to y little girl. I just cant. Im about to hang up but somehow Storm knows its me.
    Rain don’t you dare hang up on me. wahts going on? Are you ok? Talk to me dammit.
    I hang my head I don’t know if I can do this. I see myself in the mirror again and my eyes are lifeless. Im dead already. I decide to fight. I want to watch my kids go to prom and finish school. I wanna give girls a hard time about dating my boys and I wanna watch all of them Storm, Liam, Man Callum and Mal lose their shit over Gen and boys.
    Storm, I say, but my voice is weak. So I try again and I try not to cry.
    Storm they have released me. I don’t wanna go home. I don’t know what to do im scared, I don’t want Tyler to hurt any of you. What am I doing Storm. Maybe this is a bad idea but yall said u could keep me safe Liam said yall could keep us all safe.
    I just stop talking. I can hear Storm getting in his car. He is coming for me. I let out the breath I was holding and let the tears fall. He is coming they wil keep us safe.
    Rain, listen to me. im coming for you right now. do not leave that hospital. Go down to the lobby and wait for me, but do not go out the doors until you see me pull in. do you understand?
    Yea, I understand. Where are the boys and Gen. when he finds out im not coming home he will go after them first Storm.
    Stop they are fine. When we get off the phone ill call Liam and tell him to go back the school and pick them all up. And they will meet us ok. Now get all your shit and get ready to come home ok.
    Ok, ill see you soon. Thanks for this Storm I love ya big brother.
    Oh now, don’t go getting all girly on me.
    I hear his laugh and it’s a great sound to hear.
    Ok Bye Brother. Im about to hang up when he calls my name.
    Rain, he says just my name
    I love you to little sister, your doing the right thing. Ill be there in 5.
    Then Storm is gone.  I don’t have much to pack to I grab the few things I do and stick them in the gym bag one of the guys brought for me. and walk to the door. I head down stairs to wait for Storm. The elevator is out so I have to take the stairs. I have a boot on my leg but maybe by the time I get down there Storm will be there and I wont have to wait long. Im on my last flight of stairs when the door above flies open and I hear Tyler yell” Get back here you stupid bitch. You think your going to get away from me that easy”. Im stuck. If I try to go faster I could fall. So I press my back against the wall and just wait. Any hopes I had of getting away are now gone, I know that but part of me still wants to fight for it.
    Im grabbed from the back. His hand grabbing a fist full of my hair and im pulled back into his chest.
    Your so stupid. Did you think I was going to let you get away that easy. I knew you would try to get away the first chance I wasn’t watching you. I knew I couldn’t trust you to do what you were told.
    How does he know? As if he can read my thoughts he answers my question.
    I was standing by the door when you called your

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