Shadow Space Chronicles 1: The Fallen Race

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Book: Shadow Space Chronicles 1: The Fallen Race by Kal Spriggs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kal Spriggs
founded as an isolationist colony, you understand, so if I took any direct action in assisting young people to foreign ideas, it could mean my job.”  She frowned, “However, you would do good to buy some airtime on the radio, or on holovideo, and you can probably get a number of recruits.”  Lucius nodded.  “And Captain, do you think that different sexes as well as races would be a good idea?”
    Lucius thought for a moment.  “Yes, that probably would be a good idea.”  Lucius typed a reminder to himself on his console.  The Nova Roma Fleet’s rather homogenized enlisted ranks consisted entirely of human men.  It did have some, albeit few, female officers.  Lucius had served under a female commander aboard the War Shrike , before he became Captain.
    “ There is one other thing…” Lucius said, somewhat hesitantly.
    “ Yes?” Kate Bueller said.
    “ I wonder, madam Contractor, if your world has… currency speculators.”
    She frowned, “Unfortunately so.  They’re a persistent pest and they’ve caused devaluation of the Faraday dollar several times.”
    “I wonder if you’ve let the knowledge of the fall of Nova Roma out yet?” Lucius asked.
    “ I’ve kept that pretty close, for now.  That kind of knowledge can have—oh.”  She narrowed her eyes, “You want me to point you to some currency speculators to get rid of some Drachma?”
    Lucius shrugged, “I’d assume, seeing as the Conservatives are very strong in the economics of your world, they would logically have their hand in currency speculation.”
    “A safe assumption,” She growled.
    “ What hurts them economically…”
    “ You’re talking about what’s essentially a confidence scam, you know?”
    “ I prefer to think of it as turn-about.  I have just under fifty thousand Drachma of ships funds in hard currency, and my crew has around the same in personal funds.”
    “ You’ll be lucky to get sixty percent of its worth,” she cautioned
    “ It’s worth nothing now.  I might as well vent it out the airlock.  But if I sell it to the currency speculators, who don’t know of the fall of Nova Roma yet…”
    “ What you’re proposing is illegal and immoral.” She said, her voice stern.  The edges of her mouth however, curled upwards slightly, “I’ll see what I can do to help.”
    “ Thank you Contractor, War Shrike out.”
    “ Strike Leader Maygar,” Lucius bowed slightly.  “I hear you wanted to see me.”
    The Ghornath nodded, slightly, “I must yield command of the Gebneyr to Burbeg.”
    “ I see.” Lucius frowned, “Have I caused you some insult?”
    “ No.” The old alien’s hide rapidly shifted through colors, returning to a neutral brown.  “I cannot say why I must leave, only that it comes at the urgings of Fleet Consul Faydeb.”  The Ghornath paused, “He has allowed you the loan of the Gebneyr for now, pending its return and a suitable payment at a later date.”
    “ Ah.” Lucius said.  “That payment would be what?”
    “ It remains to be determined.” Maygar said.  “He has, provisionally, promoted Burbeg to Leader rank, your equivalent to Commander, I believe.”
    “ Yes, close enough.” Lucius said, frowning.  “I must ask, do the Ghornath possess shipyards?”
    “ I think, Baron, we should not discuss this, right now,” Strike Leader Maygar said.
    “ Ah.”  Lucius frowned.  “Will you need money for passage?”
    “ An… agent has arranged for our passage off-world.  There is a merchant vessel headed towards Anvil.  We will not need currency.”  The alien turned to depart.  He stopped.  “Thank you, Lucius, for repaying my actions with honor.  I hope, one day soon, we can work together.”
    “ But first you need to get Fleet Consul Faydeb back to Ghornath high command?”
    The alien’s hide briefly turned a pale tan shade that Lucius guessed meant surprise, “As humans say: no comment.”
    “Thank you for your help, Strike Leader.  Best of

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