Shadow of Betrayal

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Book: Shadow of Betrayal by Brett Battles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brett Battles
incursion long enough so that Peter could send a small strike team up from D.C. to act as backup if necessary.
    The image on monitor four stopped in front of a doorway.
    “I think this is it,” Agent Douglas said, her voice coming over the speaker. “Someone’s tried to distress it, but it still looks out of place. Don’t know if you noticed, but most of the other doors were wood. This one’s metal.”
    Chercover glanced at Peter. “Locked?” he asked.
    Peter raised the small microphone he was holding to his lips. “Is it locked?”
    A hand shot into the frame and grabbed the knob. Agent Douglas tried to twist it, but it moved less than a quarter inch before stopping.
    “Yes, locked,” she said. “I think I should take a look at what’s inside. Am I cleared?”
    Peter looked at the two men. Without moving his gaze from the monitor, Chercover nodded once.
    “You’re cleared,” Peter said into the mic. Then added unnecessarily, “Be careful.”
    Agent Douglas pulled out a lock pick set, then set to work on the keyhole. Peter glanced again to the other monitors, making sure she was still alone. His gaze lingered on the lobby shot displayed on monitor number two. It seemed as though something was different. A shadow perhaps, but everything was dark on darker, so there was no telling for sure.
    “If it doesn’t feel right, get the hell out of there,” he said as he returned his attention to monitor four.
    “I’m fine,” she said, her tone displaying her displeasure at being interrupted.
    After several seconds, she stopped what she was doing, then turned the knob again. This time it moved.
    “Got it,” she said. She stood up. “Okay. I’m going in.”
    “I’m not liking this,” Peter said, both into the mic and to his two guests. If the door was hiding something important, it shouldn’t havebeen this easy to open. “Something feels wrong. I’m sending the strike team over.”
    “It’s fine,” Agent Douglas said. “A strike team isn’t trained to look for things the same way I am. They might unintentionally mess up something we need.”
    “My men are trained for all sorts of situations. They’ll be okay.”
    “If she says she can handle it on her own, then we should let her,” Chercover said. He leaned toward the microphone in Peter’s hand. “Agent Douglas, do you feel you need assistance?”
    “No, sir,” Agent Douglas replied. “The first sign of a problem, I’ll pull myself out.”
    “You may proceed then,” Chercover said. He straightened back up and looked at Peter. “Your concern is noted, but this is a special circumstance.”
    “It’s always a special circumstance,” Peter said, knowing very well he’d used the same excuse himself several times in the past.
    “Of course it is,” Furuta said.
    All three men watched as Agent Douglas pushed the door open. The room beyond showed up as pitch-black on the monitor. Whatever light there was filtering in from the hallway didn’t make a dent in the abyss.
    “Can you see anything?” Peter asked.
    “Hold on,” she said.
    A few seconds later a bright light swept across the wall next to the doorway, then a flashlight came into view in Agent Douglas’s hand. She aimed it through the new opening. At first it seemed to have no effect, then the camera moved closer to the threshold and tilted downward.
    “Can you see it?” she asked.
    There was a short landing, then five or six steps descending into the darkness.
    “A stairway?” Peter said.
    “Yes,” she confirmed. “Appears to be pretty solid. Made of wood, I think.”
    “Can you see how far down it goes?”
    The image from the camera moved through the doorway, thentilted downward with the slope of the staircase. Even then, the optics and the compression caused by the satellite transmission kept most of the room’s details in darkness.
    “It goes pretty far. Definitely more than one story.”
    “What do you mean?” Peter asked, trying to imagine what she was

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