Shadow Magic

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Book: Shadow Magic by Joshua Khan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joshua Khan
duke is a tyrant, and Gabriel is a cruel, petty idiot.”
    “It can’t be that bad, can it?” It couldn’t be. She would be living there one day. “You’re just saying that because you’re their prisoner.”
    “Perhaps. But soon you’ll be their prisoner, too, won’t you?”
    Lily faltered.
    “I’ll be Gabriel’s wife. That’s different. I think.”
    “I’m sure you’re right.” K’leef met her gaze. He must have seen the doubt in her eyes. “You don’t want to marry him, do you?”
    “Would you?”
    K’leef smiled. “I don’t want you marrying him, either.”
    “Why not?”
    “Think about it. Solar’s lands are in the middle, with Gehenna to his north and the Sultanate of Fire to the south.”
    She understood. Duke Solar wanted peace with House Shadow. Once he knew his northern border was safe…
    “He’ll declare war on you,” said Lily.
    “Last summer’s attack was just the beginning,” said K’leef bitterly.
    “What happened?”
    “I was leading a caravan. We had stopped at an oasis to rest and water the camels, and we didn’t have enough guards. His paladins ambushed us. Afterward, he said it had been a mistake, that his men thought we were smugglers. He says I’m his
, but everyone knows I’m his hostage.”
    “Your father didn’t retaliate?”
    “The duke has made it clear that if the sultan does anything, my head will be removed.”
    Lily gulped. “I’m sorry.”
    “He wants our wealth and lands, Lady Shadow. Your houses joining would be a disaster for my family.”
    “So what’s the answer? Should I marry you instead?”
    “Wha…what?” K’leef stumbled. His heel came down on her toe.
    “Er…sorry,” said K’leef. He looked down at his feet as if he wasn’t quite sure what to do with them. “Do you want to start again?”
    Lily caught sight of Gabriel. He stood watching, his hands clamped into fists and his face blotchy with rage. “He’s going to take this insult out on you,” said Lily. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have dragged you out here.”
    “It was worth it,” said K’leef, slowly resuming the dance. “How about you? Are you sure you won’t get in more trouble for dancing with me?”
    “I am ruler of Gehenna, you know. I should be able to dance with whomever I like.”
    “Looks like your dog is causing trouble, too.”
    Custard was jumping across the high table, snapping at plates and knocking over cups. Duke Solar had red wine splashed all over his oh-so-pristine white tunic. Lily smiled. That stain was never coming out.
    Lily laughed, loud and pure, and for this moment, she was happy. K’leef smiled at her and she giggled as Custard sprang away from Mary, knocking over Lily’s new crystal goblet. He sniffed at the liquid and began lapping it up.
    Other dancers began to drift onto the floor. The
Danse macabre
continued, rising in tempo so feet moved swiftly, and the women’s gowns, black and white, silk, satin, linen, and radiant with jewels, created a world of whirling beauty. Lily was dizzy. She clung to K’leef as he twirled her faster and faster.

“Stop it, K’leef!” she cried. “I’m going to be sick!”
    Mary screamed.
    Everyone froze in midstep. Lily craned her neck over the crowd to see what the problem was.
    Custard was stumbling on the table, his tongue hanging out of his loose jaws. Green froth bubbled in his mouth.
    Lily ran to him, pushing dancers aside. “Get out of my way!”
    She reached the high table. Mary looked at her helplessly and handed him over. Lily cradled Custard in her arms.
    The puppy’s eyes rolled wildly. His mouth and nose were covered in green gunk. He gazed up at Lily and gave a feeble yap. The short stubby tail wagged.
    “What’s wrong with him?” asked Lily. “What’s wrong, Custie?”
    She gazed into his big brown eyes. Custard stared back, confused and wanting her to make him better, like she always did. The trust was total. He was hers, and she looked after him. He

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