Shadow Light (Beautiful Beings #3)

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Book: Shadow Light (Beautiful Beings #3) by Kailin Gow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kailin Gow
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I hesitated.
    “If he’s been designated the next gatekeeper, it’s imperative I know about it.  You must take me to him and we have to move fast.”
    Still reluctant, I gazed at Moore for guidance.
    “Please,” the man said.  It was his turn to reach out for me.  “We really have to act quickly.”
    “I don’t want to offend you, sir, but I can’t take the chance of putting Braxton in harm’s way.  Tell me what you know about the secret society Dr. Kingsley was a part of.  Tell me who this Shadow Light is.”
    His grip tightened on my wrist, but not with aggression or anger, but with urgency and need.  “I will tell you everything, but please, let me find this nephew of Kingsley’s.”
    Guarded and tense, I turned to Moore who nodded.  Seeing his clenched fists, I knew he was ready for any eventuality.
    “You better take the lead, Moore.  I wasn’t really paying attention when you brought me here.”
    The older man shot me a curious glance, but made no comment.  We followed Moore out and wove through the narrow streets.  Every street corner seemed to look like the last and before long I was completely disoriented.
    “We’ve known this was urgent from the beginning, but why does this have you so worried?” asked the man as I tried to recognize the streets we passed.
    The older man looked at me as he pulled his hood over his head.  “As the powers transfer, so do the responsibilities.  With Kingsley gone, a replacement much quickly be put in place.  Kingsley was raising this nephew, was he not?”
    “Yes, Braxton lived with his uncle until his death.  I believe they spent a lot of time together and Dr. Kingsley tried to take a place in Brax’s life after the loss of his parents.”
    “We just have to hope that he’s been grooming him for this.  Hopefully Kingsley considered what would happen if ever he died.”
    “I’m not really sure whether he did or not.”
    I suddenly wanted to find Braxton and fast.  “Are you sure we’re headed the right way?” I asked Moore.  With every step I felt the sense of urgency grow.
    Before Moore could answer me, the small eatery we’d left Asher and Brax in came into view.
    “Hey, where’d you guys run off to?” Asher said as he dropped the remnants of his pizza crust onto his plate.  “We wanted to wait for you before eating, but you guys never showed.  We saved you some pizza, but it might be a bit cold and…”
    His voice trailed off and his eyes met with those of the hooded man who’d followed us in.  “Who’s your new friend?”
    Brax looked up, his eyes searching for recognition as he looked into the blue eyes of the man.  He took another bite of his pizza, but it was clear his attention was entirely on the man in the cloak and not on his food.  “I know you,” he finally said.
    The older man poked his hand out from under his cloak and held it out to Brax.  “And you must be Kingsley’s nephew.  I do believe I see a small family resemblance.”
    Brax remained oddly cold and indifferent.  “You came to visit my uncle once.  You two spent hours in his study, talking.”
    Nodding, the man let out a dark chuckle.  He pulled back the chair beside Braxton and sat down, his eyes pleased as he looked at the nephew he’d seen before.
    “Who are you?” Brax said.
    “Yeah,” Asher shot in with a defensive tone.  “Who are you?”
    Moore and I stood, watching and waiting.
    Suddenly unhurried and relaxed, the man pulled a slice of pizza from the large plate set in the center of the table and took a big hungry bite.  He chewed, slowly, languidly, as if he had all the time in the world.  “Never waste perfectly good pizza,” he said.
    Watching him take another bite, I was suddenly famished.  The scent of spicy tomato sauce came to my nostrils and I sat down to take a large piece.
    Pleased, this strange man who’d been so rushed moments earlier, looked at me with a grin.  “Bloody good pizza.”  He held up his slice to

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