Shades of Sydney (Sydney West #1)

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Book: Shades of Sydney (Sydney West #1) by Brittney Coon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brittney Coon
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said above a whisper.
    “Did you already know those surfing tricks before I came to the beach on the day we met?”
    I bit my lip until the taste of rusty blood coated my tongue. I was going to be vague about the details. “Yes,” I answered, looking at the ceiling fan’s reflection in the coffee table’s glossy surface.
    His eyes pierced into me, almost cutting into my soul. He demanded more to the story, but I wasn’t sharing. Tension began to build in my shoulders. I looked around and people were looking at Jason and me. They knew something strange was happening.
    “I answered. You don’t need any details. Truth or Dare?” I was thankful my voice sounded stronger than I was.
    He shook his head and exhaled. He wasn’t a fan of the game either. Good . “Truth,” he said.
    “When we met up again at the beach, did you really forget my name or were you acting like it?” I bit the inside of my cheek.
    Do I want to know if he forgot my name? It would be a kick to the stomach if he honestly didn’t remember.
    A smirk took his lips. “I did remember.” His eyes turned devilish, daring me to dive deeper.
    “Hmm,” I said, pushing a lock of hair out of my face.
    “Truth or Dare?” he asked.
    People moaned. They didn’t like us sharing truths. Dares were more interesting. To see what stupid things drunk people did got people’s rocks off. I didn’t see the fun in eating a cigarette butt or whatever they did, but maybe my IQ was too high.
    Jason rubbed his chin in thought for a heartbeat. “Did you want me to kiss you like we found our friends kissing?”
    I felt my face pale. I wanted him to want me like all the other summer boys did, but how could I explain that to him and not sound like a conceited bitch?
    He nodded at the sand slipping through the hourglass. “Tick tock.”
    I arched my back, making a show of pushing my breasts out more. I needed to turn the tables on this stupid game. “No, I didn’t want to make out with you. I did think you would’ve flirted more though.” I was honest, yet didn’t share too much info. Point for me.
    He turned his head, studying me like I was a science project he couldn’t wrap his mind around.
    “Truth or Dare?” I asked smugly.
    Jason wiped his hands on his pants. “Truth.”
    I channeled my inner Barbara Walters. “Why did you invite me to this party? Don’t say because you wanted to.”
    Jason crossed then uncrossed his legs. “You can’t tell me what to answer.”
    “Fine.” I rubbed my forehead. “Just answer the question.”
    He brushed invisible lint off his jeans. “I thought you’d like to come, but I guess I was wrong.”
    “What’s that supposed to mean?” I snapped, leaning in closer so I could try to read his facial expression.
    “Nothing. That’s not part of your question,” he said, mocking me.
    He played my moves back at me. He was such an asshole.
    “Truth or Dare?” he asked coldly.
    I pressed my back into the couch. I didn’t want to be honest anymore since we were getting too deep. I was afraid of what he’d dare me to do, but the fear of revealing more truths outweighed the uncertainty of being dared.
    “Dare,” I said, voice low.
    People clapped and excitement returned to the group. My stomach turned at the idea of what Jason would ask me to do.
    He smiled like he struck gold. “I dare you to chug five cups of beer.”
    I felt my eyes widen. “What?”
    People around us laughed and chanted. Someone left to get the beer. My stomach fell to my feet. I was going to be sick.
    “You can’t be serious,” I said, looking at all the excited people gathering around us.
    “I am. Do you give?” He tilted his head, tempting me to quit the game.
    “No,” I said firmly. I wanted to, but I couldn’t let him win.
    Someone handed me a red cup. It was full to the rim with amber shaded beer. I chugged it and put the cup down on the coffee table. A girl wearing a black bra and short shorts filled it and handed the

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