Sexy Beast

Read Online Sexy Beast by Georgia le Carre - Free Book Online

Book: Sexy Beast by Georgia le Carre Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgia le Carre
    Isaak says, ‘Nobody loves no one.’
    ‘I’ve tasted you and you are a meal I wish to devour,’ he growls in my ear on my journey back to the ground. My feet touch the ground and my knees feel shaky. This is not a dance. This is a seduction, a kind I have never experienced. Primitive, raw, irresistible.
    Dazed with hypnotic lust and mesmerized by his eyes, I gaze wordlessly up into his harsh face. A seduction is a promise of pleasure and release. I’m waiting. I guess I’m waiting for him to deliver. His head swoops down and his mouth captures mine. He kisses like a bandit. A time thieving bandit. Time slips away from me. The kiss goes on and on. I never want it to end. How long I stand within the circle of his arms while his mouth plunders mine I don’t know.
    Heat and fire flood my belly.
    My entire body is a river of sensations. Nothing in my life has ever felt so good. With his hand on the small of my back he presses me even closer into his body as if he wants to meld me into him. As if he wants to completely crush and dominate me.
    It is as if there is something inside both of us that is fighting to get to the other. My hips thrust into his thick hardness and I lust for him. The craving for him is like a fever. When he raises his head, I am such a mess I can do no more than blink stupidly.
    Fall Out Boy’s Centuries comes on around us and Patrick Stump is screaming, ‘ Remember me ... for centuries.’
    He lets go of me, his eyes narrowed. As ever, a sense of danger, something taboo, lingers around him. ‘Meet me tomorrow,’ he says. There is a thread of urgency in his voice.
    The burn of his kiss lingers, and his scent is clinging to my skin like a touch. Nobody has ever kissed me like that. ‘I can’t. I’m going back to London tomorrow night.’
    ‘Come for dinner on Monday.’
    ‘Dinner,’ I repeat stupidly.
    ‘At Pigeon’s Pie.’
    Pigeon’s Pie is one of his pubs. I hesitate.
    ‘You can bring Ria with you,’ he urges persuasively.
    I shake my head and start backing away from him. ‘No,’ I whisper. I don’t want to be another girl he’s fucked and kicked to the curb. It would kill me.
    ‘I’ll be waiting for you,’ he says.
    I turn around and run into the crowd of people.
    Up on his high station the DJ yells, ‘Show some fucking mercy. Put your hands up,’ and starts playing my most favorite song in the whole wide world. Are you with me ?

    I watch her run away in those crazy boots, boots that make me want to suck her cute little princess toes. I bet they smell like flowers. ‘You can run little Sapphire Eyes, but you can’t hide.’
    This is the most exposed, terrified, and exhilarated I’ve ever been. It feels as if all the blood has drained from my head and gone into my cock. Across the crowd I spot my manager and walk over to him.
    ‘Hey BJ,’ he greets politely.
    I nod curtly. He’s good at his job, but I keep the demarcation clear at all times. We’re not friends. He works for me. I’m his boss. This way nobody oversteps the mark.
    ‘There’s a girl with a red beret, white suede boots, and a white dress who is here for Ria’s party. Find her and watch her like a hawk. Anyone that tries to chat her up, throw them out.’
    His eyes bulge. He has never received an instruction like that from me before.
    ‘Got that?’ I ask, a little more aggressively than I had intended.
    ‘Yeah, yeah, I got that,’ he replies quickly, his hands coming up defensively.
    ‘Good. Did you see the woman I came in with?’
    ‘Yeah,’ he admits warily.
    ‘Call her a taxi when she’s ready to go home.’
    ‘Okay,’ he says, with a smile of relief.
    ‘Any problems with red beret call me on my mobile regardless of the time.’
    ‘Got it.’
    ‘Good. Have a good night.’
    ‘Goodnight and thank you, BJ.’
    I turn around. ‘Oh, one other thing, make sure you escort red beret to her taxi.’


    B y the time I wake up light is filtering in all around the

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