
Read Online Serenity by Ava O'Shay - Free Book Online

Book: Serenity by Ava O'Shay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ava O'Shay
intimidation wasn’t his strong suit.
    Luckily, Quill stepped back first after Jolin’s question seemed to take him by surprise. He shook his head and let out a sarcastic laugh. “You’re such a fucking asshole.”
    “Seriously. I d-d-don’t know who your sist-t-ter is.” Jolin tried to brush him off.
    “Dude. Ren? Ren is my sister.” He put a hand on Jolin’s chest stopping him.
    Jolin stiffened. Why was everyone touching him?
    Jolin remembered Akeo saying something about Ren having a twin but he hadn’t really been listening. Akeo was right. He had his head so far up Elizabeth’s ass he’d ignored anything that didn’t flow through his circle. Namely Ren.
    He let his gaze trailed over Quill. Other than identical green eyes the only indication he was Ren’s twin was his like of body art…a few tattoos peaked out from the edges of his t-shirt and a piercing sparkled below his lower lip. Jolin’s stare lingered on the black stud before he met Quill’s stare again. He drew his eyebrows together trying to decide if Quill looked like the kind of guy who would knock his sister around. Finally he decided it was best if he didn’t get invovled…but he wasn’t in the mood to make this conversation easy either.
    “Why don’t you ask her?”
    “Why don’t I ask you?” Quill moved into him again.
    “We’re lab p-p-partners.” Jolin held up his hands, tired of defending his study date.
    “That’s not the word on the street.” Quill pushed against him. “I don’t want you messing with her.”
    “We’re lab p-p-partners,” he repeated for what seemed like the millionth time. “I g-g-got to g-g-et to class. You know better than to b-b-believe rumors.”
    Quill seemed to be thinking, then nodded and moved to the side to let him pass.
    Jolin tilted his head back looking at the ceiling. ‘Fuck,” he muttered. He was screwed.

    Thursday, October 17
    7:00 a.m.
    The minute Ren entered the school she’d been bombarded with the news she’d banged Jolin yesterday. She guessed all she really had to do was get in his car to start the rumors. But now she had to sit next to him in Bio and act like nothing happened and everyone wasn’t talking about them. She hadn’t thought this through before she agreed to it. Why had it never occured to her she would still have to be his lab partner after she followed through with the plan? It was one thing to see Brock every day. They had an arrangement. It was a means to an end. He helped her, and she helped him. It was only until she could get out of here. But she couldn’t shake the feeling she was turning into her mother. Her and Brock’s arrangement hadn’t bothered her before. Why did Jolin’s presence make it any different?
    She sunk into her locker hoping it would teleport her away.
    “Ren,” Brock said again as he sauntered up to her, brushing his chest against her arm.
    “I thought I was social suicide? You better step away or you’ll catch the plague,” Ren snapped.
    “I don’t have time for your PMS. Did you get it done?” Brock kept his voice low, the expression on his face could have easily been mistaken for harassment. He was better at this game than her.
    “Your girlfriend’s watching,” Ren mumbled. “Or did you already get rid of her?” Brock sort of dated one of the many cheerleaders. Ren thought she came with his position of second string quarterback. Every player was paired with a cheerleader, but Brock’s promotion to first string left him wanting a first string girlfriend. Namely Elizabeth. The only problem was Jolin was in some weird high school social status limbo and even though Elizabeth said they broke up Ren wasn’t sure what they were…and apparently Jolin wasn’t sure either.
    If news of Jolin’s and Ren’s study date got to her it would only be a matter of time before Brock’s plan worked, and she was on his arm, making Lisa old news until the line up shifted and she was assigned her next boyfriend.

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