Seoul Survivors

Read Online Seoul Survivors by Naomi Foyle - Free Book Online

Book: Seoul Survivors by Naomi Foyle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Naomi Foyle
Tags: FICTION / Dystopian
getting mad at you, but believe you me, when an army of gooks from Pyongyang comes pouring over the border to shoot and rape their way across the forty miles to Seoul, you’re gonna be glad of a few good old boys and dumb-luck niggers to stand between the yellow peril and your diamanté panties.”
    Chewing methodically, she gave him a withering look. There was no point telling Johnny to shut his racist trap. He’d only come out with something worse next time—and if he mouthed off like that around Jin Sok or one of the designers she would just die . She had to ditch this guy, and quick.
    Johnny took his bottle of OxyPops out of his pocket.
    That was a relief. He was always calmer after he’d chugged a couple of those. She maintained her aloof silence as he downed his dose and the oxygen kicked in.
    “Sydney, I’m sorry you’re upset with me,” he said at last. “I’m sorry I raised my voice. I just wanted us to have a nice meal, and then a fun night in the club. It’s not hard, the work, is it? And it pays good. The soldiers—they’re just kids. You deal with ’em great.”
    Johnny’s apologies were as wooden as banisters. He just used them to get down into her pants. But oh—why fight? She just had to be patient until she could get more work of her own. “Forget it, Johnny. I’m tired, that’s all.”
    The waiter brought another fork over and Johnny started to make himself a kalbi morsel, skipping the kim chi , the wimp. “I know, babe, but it won’t take long, I promise. The head honcho tonight, I want to know where he’s flying to next: Japan or Shanghai. Get him talking about the places you want to visit in Asia, all the knickknacks you want brought back. Might only take half an hour. And if you squeeze it out of him, I’ll buy you a brand-new MoPho, one with 3D TV and SatNav, so you won’t ever get lost again.”
    Sydney rolled her eyes. Just because she had once called his Gotcha in tears from the most confusing train station ever built. Soon enough she was really going to get lost, disappear into Hongdae, maybe, like Jin Sok had suggested: get a secret launch pad of her own. But it would be nice to watch 3D-TV during the long taxi-rides to her shoots. And it didn’t sound like tonight was going to be tough—maybe it would all go down in Hollywood’s, with its cheesy Barry White soundtrack and giggling hostesses, and she wouldn’t have to wind up in King Club, with that deafening monster rap andthose scary Russian hookers baring their rotting teeth at her whenever she went to the toilet.
    She treated Johnny to her most winsome smile. “Plus my regular pay, right?”
    “Hey now, I wouldn’t let my little girl run out of pocket money, would I? Here, open up: longest day of the year and you’re working double time—you got to eat.”
    His snake lips parting in his version of a grin, Johnny lifted his chopsticks to Sydney’s mouth. She bit the piece of crispy beef and pulled it slowly into her mouth, letting a trickle of grease slide down her chin. Beneath the table, Johnny grabbed her calf and pressed her bare foot against his groin. His cock was rock-hard. She glanced around the restaurant, squeezed once with her toes, then wrested her leg away.
    He laughed, and took another swig of his beer. “Hey—” he lowered his voice, “let’s finish up here and I’ll take you home and lick you out, how’s that? I’ve been thinking about the taste of that sweet blonde pussy all day.”
    He didn’t get it, and he never would. She was a top model now. He couldn’t talk to her like that in public. But he held her gaze, breaking it only to rake her chest with his eyes, and despite herself, she felt her panties dampen.
    It had been such a wild day. It might be good to lie down and get some of the excitement out of her system. Not to mention keep Johnny sweet until she figured out her next move.
    “Yeah,” she replied in her best kitteny voice, “let’s go home for dessert.”

6 / Miyeok

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