Seized by Love

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Book: Seized by Love by Susan Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Johnson
his back, as though she would press herself into him forever.
    The tender caresses, his long, lean, manipulating fingers, the lingering kisses, the sweet murmured endearments, had all served their purpose. Nikki gently lifted her legs, without resistance mounted her, and with a few merciless thrusts buried himself inside her incredible warmth. Alisa cried out softly. He was momentarily shocked as he penetrated her, for although obviously aroused, she was tight as a virgin. She would take some patient, gentle stretching for the vigorous lovemaking he was used to, he reflected. Could all the ribald jests and rumors be true? Was her husband, indeed, too old?
    “I’m sorry,” Nikki whispered into her tangled hair. “Did I hurt you?” Her eyelids fluttering, her lips parted in breathless desire, Alisa murmured, “No” as she clung to him, her arms laced around his powerful body, her legs twined around his.
    Enveloped in her warm, throbbing flesh, he carefully, gently, explored its luscious interior as she stirred restlessly beneath him, the pressure of her hands holding him fiercely tight. With a slow, delicate rhythm he moved in her, adeptly controlling his passion, slowing his exertions to savor the tide of pleasure, intent on further rousing Alisa’s senses, deliberately compelling her to need him, compelling her to respond to the exquisite sensual pleasure he was intensifying with each deep, plunging stroke. He was in no hurry now, wisely delaying the climax, enjoying each waveof delight, penetrating and withdrawing with tantalizing slowness.
    Soon the last vestiges of Alisa’s guilt and fear were swept away before the fury of the untrammeled passion Nikki had adroitly provoked in her newly awakened body, and with a deep, drawn sigh, she lifted her hips to draw him in more deeply.
    Nikki continued his slow rhythm, caressing her tenderly, listening to the murmurs wrung from her parted lips by the strange rapture she was experiencing for the first time and which she accepted with a growing passion by arching instinctively to meet each forceful stroke.
    “Come, sweet princess, come with me,” he murmured softly, touching her neck gently with his warm lips, spoke to her in heated love-words, play-words, words that roused her further.
    Nikki had discovered while still a mere youth that whispered phrases, passionate sentiments of affection, a few lustful words, can do more to take a woman over the edge than twenty minutes of the most ardent physical stimulation.
    And the flush on Alisa’s cheeks was rising, a warm blush of color was spreading down her soft, white heaving breasts.
    “Follow me, sweet angel,” he murmured tenderly.
    She was almost there. And so was he.
    Nikki held her crushed to him, his arms wrapped tightly around her slender back, holding her impaled on his rigid, engorged stiffness. His breathing was harsh and rapid, his warm whispers brushed her ear, his masculine scent touched her nostrils, tendrils of damp, dark curls clung to his forehead. He was fully roused, desperate for relief, as if he hadn’t had a woman for a long time. As if Tanya no longer existed. Succumbing to his mounting passion, he rode the crest of his desire, no longer restraining his passion, impatient for release. Alisa, too, with guiltless wonderand a long-dormant sensuality abandoned herself to the full glory of her desire. She returned Nikki’s kisses wantonly, crushed her mouth feverishly against his, ran her hands over his magnificent body, reveled in the pressure of his firm, muscular frame, hard and demanding against her tender flesh, voluptuously joined him in the selfish, sensual dance of love. She gave herself to him, willingly opened her body for his pleasure, sobbed with a passion too long deferred, keening a quiet, soft cry of rapture as he brought her to an ecstasy she had never known, as he pressed against the mouth of her womb and poured his warmth into her.
    She knew in that resplendent moment this was what

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