Seek and Destroy

Read Online Seek and Destroy by Allie K. Adams - Free Book Online

Book: Seek and Destroy by Allie K. Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allie K. Adams
look and quickly looked away to avoid eye contact, hiding their mouth yet openly commenting to one another. And the rest simply stared in obvious curiosity and disbelief someone who looked like Charis dare intermingle with the rest of them. She clearly heard the snickers, as she knew the women had meant for her to hear. The pang of humiliation crept up her neck. She wouldn't be able to retreat fast enough.
        Forget it. She'd wait until tonight to approach him. She'd buy her own dress. Something that covered more than what would get her arrested anywhere but the beaches of Maui. The plane left in the morning. She still had plenty of time.
        Maybe one last look. Charis offered a sideways glance in David's direction, hoping to catch one last tantalizing peek before she cowered off in defeat.
        He glanced over her way at the same time and their gaze crashed into each other, the powerful connection causing heat to slap her cheeks, but for an entirely different reason. He tensed, and she froze. Her heart refused to beat. Her lungs refused to work. His face then lost all expression as his hands rested to his side. She clearly read his lips.
         Holy shit.
Chapter 6
        Oh no. He recognized her. Either that or he found women in oversized shirts extremely attractive when surrounded by barely covered blondes with incredible bodies.
        Charis prayed for the latter. Knowing she couldn't retreat now that he'd seen her, she let the shirt loose and drew in a shaky breath. Keep your cool, McKoy. The shirt opened up and waved in the slight breeze as she walked through the maze of lounge chairs, ignoring some of the snickers and downright mean comments from the women as she passed.
        "Nice shirt," one of them mocked. Kill them with kindness , she heard her mother's voice tell her.
        "Thank you." Charis gave the woman a genuine smile and nodded at her. And then go in for the kill , her father had always added. "Imagine what your approval means to me."
        The woman gave her a wilty smile while furrowing her brow. She merely stared with an open mouth as Charis passed her.
        "What's with those hideous scars?" she called back.
        Charis stopped, paralyzed. Closing her eyes to stop herself from tearing up, she drew in several breaths and regrouped. Turning back to the surgically altered woman, Charis gave her the best smile she had. Loud enough for everyone around the pool to hear, she asked, "What's with yours?"
        The woman dropped her jaw and immediately lowered her gaze to her chest. With a roll of her eyes, Charis continued toward a few of the open lounge chairs farthest away from the pool.
        That felt good. No. That felt great . The weight bearing down on her chest lifted, giving her the chance to take in an enormous breath of fresh Hawaiian air. Okay, ladies. Bring it on.
        No one else commented on her appearance, let alone her scars. Was that all it took? One smart-ass comment to the loudest mouth and it somehow granted her immunity to any other comments? Hard to believe, but she accepted it with a smile. She had enough on her mind without having to concentrate on witty comebacks every time someone said something about her roadmap of scars.
        Throwing all the glamorous eye candy out of her mind, she slowed down to give David the flirtatious glance she'd practiced all morning in front of the mirror. She allowed the shirt to fall off her shoulder and paused to pull it back up, watching him out of the corner of her eye, praying to the erotic Gods she didn't look as dumb as she felt.
        Goosebumps washed across her flesh when she eyed him watching her. Judging by his reaction, the stunned look on his face, she really started to believe she had his full attention.
        This felt good. Liberating, actually. Her skin prickled from the thrill of stepping outside of her comfort zone.

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