Seeds of Desire

Read Online Seeds of Desire by Karenna Colcroft - Free Book Online

Book: Seeds of Desire by Karenna Colcroft Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karenna Colcroft
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary
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advantage of an
injured woman.”
    “I don’t think I would be.” He nuzzled her neck just below
her earlobe. She shivered as the heat of arousal rushed through her. “I think
you want this, Cass. As much as I do, maybe more. Look.” He turned from her without
completely releasing her and gestured at the bulge in the front of his shorts.
“Do you see how hard I am for you? I’ve been like this every fucking day you’re
around, Cassidy. I just have to look at you, and all I can think about is
fucking you.”
    Her cunt tingled and her nipples hardened. She barely
believed this was happening. All the teasing and fantasizing, and now here he
was, practically begging to fuck her. She wasn’t about to let the chance pass
her by.
    She gave in to her desire and reached out to touch his cock.
It twitched beneath her hand. “Let me see it.”
    With a smug grin, he held her with one arm and used his free
hand to push his boxers down, freeing his cock. A tiny drop of precum sat at
its tip. “You see?” he said hoarsely. “I already want you that bad. What are
you going to do about it?”
    From the way her cunt contracted, it had a pretty good idea
of what to do. She didn’t want to go straight to fucking, though. That
tantalizing little droplet called to her, and she bent and touched her tongue
to it.
    The slightly salty taste aroused her, starting a strong
pulse between her legs. She slid her lips down over his cock. He moaned his
appreciation and twined his fingers through her hair as he’d done before. “So
good,” he murmured. “So good.”
    Better than Cassidy remembered. The texture of his skin
seemed to tingle against her lips and tongue. The rush of power she gained from
having him so completely under her control tightened her cunt. She could hardly
wait to have him inside her, but first she wanted to taste his climax.
    Someone knocked on the door. Startled, Cassidy opened her
eyes. Her body ached from arousal, but now the aches from her fall accompanied
it. Jared was nowhere in sight. The sitcom had ended and the channel was now
showing an infomercial, so she’d definitely lost time somewhere.
    Damn dreams!

Chapter Six
    Sighing with disappointment, she opened the door, revealing
Jared loaded down with takeout containers. “What did you do, buy everything at
the restaurant?” she asked, chuckling.
    “Not exactly.” He came in and set the containers down on the
bureau. “Some of the locals who’d been at the planting site were there and
insisted on buying you food. I guess they figure you can finish it up for
breakfast. The site’s looking good, by the way. We planted almost all the
saplings, and the locals who’d stuck around said they’d finish up tomorrow. You
and I are due back at the office by noon tomorrow, by the way. Dad called.”
    She raised an eyebrow. “I thought cells didn’t work up
    “Spotty reception. They work in some places.” He grinned.
“Besides, we’re JaBro. We only pay for the best. Including the best cell phone
    “Figures.” She sat on the edge of the bed. “Okay, so did you
bring me my hamburger and fries?”
    “Absolutely. Along with some chicken fingers, a couple hot
dogs, home fries, coleslaw and various assorted desserts.” He emptied the bags
onto the bed. “Told you they wanted to feed you. Someone said I should have
kept you away from there. ‘She’s a pretty woman, shouldn’t be down there
digging in the dirt’.”
    She rolled her eyes. “Uh-huh, and how old was that guy, a
    “Might have been.”
    He looked intently at her. That same jolt she’d felt at the
planting site shot through her. To hide the heat that rose to her face, Cassidy
sorted through the food until she found her burger and fries. As she picked
them up, Jared reached for another container and their hands touched. She
jerked back as if from a static shock. “Sorry.”
    “I didn’t mean to make you jump like that.” Jared licked his

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