Seductions (Alpha City Book 4)

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Book: Seductions (Alpha City Book 4) by Bryce Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bryce Evans
for her. “Thank you Brody.”
    “Yes ma’am.” Brody waited until she sat down before he was seated. He was such a sweet man. She would have to watch herself; the man would be easy to love. Bast Finn was also there with Carina. He nodded at her once she sat down. Nodding back, Sage noticed that Carina was following her every move. She had never had a chance to get to know Carina. The fact that she was staring at her almost made Sage nervous. The rumor was that she had visions and knew things about people. Carina’s all-seeing grey eyes continued to watch her even as she sat down. Looking away, Sage tried to focus on someone else in the room. She felt like Carina was delving into her mind, listening to all of her hidden secrets. Not possible, but when Sage glanced back at her, the girl was still staring, making her uncomfortable.
    Once everyone took a seat, Bast stood up and cleared his throat. “I understand we have a lot of information to go over and then we need to figure out where to go from here.”
    Sage sat silently, watching the interaction between the Alphas, who were all in attendance, and their mates. Everyone that was a known member of the Order was present in the room. Apparently they were still missing some members, who either hadn’t found them yet or their gift hadn’t presented itself to them. Sage was a member now.
    “I call this meeting to order. First, I would like to say to Sage and Me-Len how sorry I am for your loss.” Brody glanced at his future mate, who just nodded her head at the elven king. “Second, since Carina has been in Valceria, she has had two visions that I need to share with you. The first one was different and I don’t know what it means, so I’m hoping that with all of us present we can come up with an answer. As soon as we returned to Valceria, Carina came around and started talking about random stuff she was seeing, but then she stopped and looked up in the sky and said, ‘Look for the dragons hidden in the mountain. The sister will help.’ Thinking that she was talking about the mountains in Valceria, I had all the mountains searched, but found nothing.”
    “Jamal has a sister. Half of the dragon community left with her once her brother killed their father, but nobody has seen nor heard from them again. Almost like they vanished,” MJ spoke up from the back of the room, and all eyes turned and stared at her.
    “And you are?” Bast narrowed his eyes. She could feel Brody flinch at the king’s tone. Brody had told her about MJ. The tension in the room ramped up as the king stared at her. She was so glad it wasn’t her mouth that drew the king’s attention.
    “I’m sorry Bast, this is—”
    “The one who won’t kiss your ass.” MJ answered simply, cutting Ryder off.
    The room became deathly quiet, and then Carina started giggling. Bast looked back at her and smiled. “Do you have something to say, Carina?” His tone was much sweeter with her. She was destined to be his mate when she reached the appropriate age. Since Sage had saved her from Claudia and Jamal, she had been staying with Bast and his people in Valceria. She was in no danger of being kidnapped there. Even her family had to be moved and was living with the Alphas of the panthers, Kayden and Zoey. No one wanted another member of Carina’s family kidnapped, where they could be used to get to Carina.
    “MJ is my friend,” Carina said, and with that being said, Bast nodded and the king’s tone changed.
    “Welcome to the Order, MJ.” This time Bast’s tone was friendly.
    “Why, thank you, old wise one,” MJ said, sarcasm in her voice. Again Carina giggled, which made the whole room laugh. She had to give it to the girl. She was very brash, and she really didn’t care if you liked her or not, and that included the elven king. Sage wanted to laugh because she could tell that even the elven king simply didn’t impress MJ. Judd Walsh, Alpha of the jaguars in Alpha City, just sat silently beside

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