Seducing Wrath

Read Online Seducing Wrath by Lynne St. James - Free Book Online

Book: Seducing Wrath by Lynne St. James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynne St. James
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Erotic, Rockers, New Age
fuck is wrong? Joe said you didn’t look too good and I saw you practically running to the bathroom.”
    “I’m not sure. Something didn’t agree with me, but I’m better now. No need to worry.”
    She wasn’t telling me something. I knew it, and she knew I knew it. I wanted to press her about it but the middle of the dining room with everyone watching was not the place, and we needed to do the sound check. It’d have to wait until after the show, there just wasn’t time now. Fuck.
    “Maybe you should stay behind while we do the sound check. I’ll be back in a couple of hours and you can rest.”
    “If you’re sure it’s okay.”
    “Fuck yeah. Cynda, are you going or staying here?”
    “I’m staying. I can look in on her if you want?”
    Perfect. If she was up to something she wouldn’t know when Cynda was gonna show up. How much trouble could she get in to? “Yeah I’d appreciate it.”
    “No problem. I’ll see you later, Sapphire. If you need anything I’m in room ten thirty-two.”
    I watched Blue’s face and she just looked tired. Maybe I was overreacting. Maybe she really was just a groupie, just not the normal kind. It was possible. Fuck me running. Hopefully Joe would have some info soon and I can stop worrying about this bullshit. I didn’t like not knowing whether she was trouble or not. Actually she was trouble—for my rules. I’d broken a lot of them since she showed up in Philly.
    The elevator ride was quiet and she really didn’t look good. I wanted to take her in my arms but I couldn’t do it. There were just too many freakin’ doubts. When we got to the room she went out on the balcony and stared into the distance. What the fuck was going on? She’d been fine, well at least her normal self until the phone call before we went downstairs. Had I hurt her feelings? Is that what the fuck this was about? Or was it something else?
    I didn’t have the time or the patience for this shit. “Hey, Blue, I need to get the fuck out of here. Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” At first I didn’t think she was going to answer. I was going to give her another few seconds when she turned.
    “I’ll be fine, besides you’re having Cynda check up on me.”
    “Not check up . Check on you. There’s a difference.”
    “Is there?”
    Damn. I’d be lucky if I had any hair left at the end of this tour. She knew exactly how to piss me the fuck off. “Whatever. See you in a few hours.”
    “Yup. I’ll be here.”
    I didn’t know what to say, her attitude was fucked up. I hadn’t done anything to her. Hell, I’d been taking care of her. I wanted to tell her to fuck off, but I’d regret it later, so I left slamming the door behind me.

Chapter Ten
    Everyone else was already downstairs. Sweets and Candy were outside smoking. I needed a smoke too but that wasn’t going to happen right now. I knew they’d been waiting for me. We had a schedule to keep. This was our life, our love, and our future. Nothing else really mattered but the band and I needed to remember that.
    “Everything okay?”
    “I guess, I don’t know. She’s all fucking weird now.”
    “Beats the fuck out of me. I’m guessing she heard part of our call this morning. I did say she wasn’t my groupie.”
    Chaos nodded. “Oh well, I’m sure you’ll figure it out. It’s not like you’re in love with her. You can always leave her here when we head to Chicago, right?”
    Fury laughed. “Right. Sure you will. You’ve got it bad for her.” He shook his head and looked pitiful. “You’re fuckin’ whipped, bro. She’s got your insides all fuckin’ twisted.”
    “If you don’t shut up, I’ll show you who’s fuckin’ whipped.” I didn’t want to hear it. Yeah, I deserved the teasing and I’d be the first one on board if it was one of them, but this was different. Fuck.
    Joe was waiting for us outside the Bridgestone Arena with a huge smile on his face. It was

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