Seducing the Master (An Erotic Historical in the Red Chrysanthemum Series)
might to be heard through the closed door if no one was near. At
the Inn of the Red Chrysanthemum, her cries would be commonplace
and not taken for a genuine plea for help.
    She yanked at the ropes, her aggravation
returned. Master Gallant was not coming back. What if no one came?
Would she hang here the entire night? She had not thought Master
Gallant capable of such cruelty. Perhaps she had misjudged him? She
shook her head. Her intuition had drawn her to him, not merely for
his skills with domination, but because he differed from all the
other men of his kind. She could not state why she believed this.
Perhaps it was the gentleness she beheld in his eyes of grey and
blue. She marveled that they could hold both hues or alternate
between one and the other.
    “Miss Terrell,” Tippy gasped from the
doorway. One of the newer maids, she must not have stumbled upon a
great many strangeness. She gaped to find Terrell stretched to the
rafters, the top of her corset undone.
    “Some assistance, if you please,” Terrell
    Tippy nodded and looked about. Seeing a
chair, she pulled it before Terrell and climbed atop.
    “Oh, hm,” she grunted as she studied the
rope binding the wrists. “These not be knots I’ve seen before.”
    “Is Master Gallant still here?” Terrell
    “He left half an hour before.”
    “If you cannot untie the ropes, then cut
    “Perhaps if I loop this under…”
    The ropes came away with ease. Her arms fell
and the blood rushed back to her fingers. Not bothering to lace up
her corset, she stood rubbing her wrists. A part of her seethed,
mostly because he had not come to free her himself. Instead, she
had to be discovered, tied to the rafters, her corset partially
undone, by one the maids. But if Master Gallant thought to
discourage her advances by this scheme, he was woefully wrong.
Instead, her pursuit would find a whole new fervor.
    “Did Master Gallant tie you thus?” Tippy
asked, puzzled, as she picked up the ropes.
    “He was merely demonstrating a tethering
trick,” Terrell answered, not wanting Tippy to inform Madame
Devereux of what had transpired. She laced her corset.
    “A lovely gentleman he be,” sighed Tippy. “I
wouldn’t mind him trussin’ me up a bit.”
    The maid’s eyes glimmered at the daydream.
Terrell, still undecided between being cross with or admiring what
Master Gallant had done, gave a wry smile. She may have lost the
battle with Master Gallant this evening, but she would yet win the

    I n the dark quiet of his
bedchamber, seated in an armchair far more comfortable than the
wooden ladder-back he had bent Miss Terrell over, Charles stroked
his cock. Dressed in his nightshirt, he ought to have gone straight
to bed for he had a full day tomorrow, but he needed to release the
stress of the evening’s events, from Miss Katherine to Lord
Wendlesson to Sir Arthur to Miss Terrell.
    Miss Terrell. He did not even know her given
name. Was she truly drawn to him or merely promiscuous? With Sir
Arthur’s interest, she had no need to seek the attentions of any
other man. Sir Arthur was not uncomely and possessed advantages
that Charles did not. Most women would have been satisfied to
receive the favors of such a man. But Miss Terrell was not. Because
she had witnessed, and participated in, his disciplining of Miss
Greta. Recalling the scene, he had to admit he had put on quite the
performance with Miss Greta, the true foci.
    Before an audience of the members of the Red
Chrysanthemum, he had had Miss Terrell and another woman, Miss
Isabella, undress Miss Greta, caressing the parts revealed, one
garment at a time. For her insubordination, he had made her walk
the length of the stage with a rope between her legs, her cunnie
rubbing against the twine. Afterwards, he had placed a blindfold
about her while Miss Terrell tied her to a table. Members were then
invited to touch and fondle her.
    The memory of it all turned his cock

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