Secrets of the Guardian (Waldgrave Book 3)

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Book: Secrets of the Guardian (Waldgrave Book 3) by A.L. Tyler Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.L. Tyler
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couldn’t help noticing the impressed stares she was getting.
    It felt like spring had just finished when the leaves around Waldgrave were already starting to change again from green to ruby, orange, gold, and russet; summer was over. The password switch went on without a hitch, people were keeping a closer eye on their finances, and no one had seen or heard from Rollin since. Most everyone who didn’t live at Waldgrave had gone home at that point, some with open thanks to Lena for uncovering the ploy, to make their arrangements to return in late fall for the Council meeting. The situation with the rogue human-borns had faded into the background of Griffin’s sudden reclusive behavior. Things had gone unusually quiet on the political front; the calm before the storm. The claws were about to come out, and Lena was sure that she would be in murder trials up to her eyes by the Council meeting three months away. But for now, she was all too grateful that the world had stopped revolving around her.
    Devin was making quite a comeback, and soon enough Doctor Evans had given him permission to be up and around for short periods of time, which he usually used to hang around in the kitchen joking with Cheryl and entertaining Darius by catapulting food across the room using a spoon propped on the edge of a plate. By this time, Darius was picking up words very quickly and relying less and less on communication through his thoughts. And thanks to Devin, he had not only learned to say “potato”, but that the tubers were more than just a food—they were effective objects for tossing, banging, stuffing down his diaper, and in mashed form they also made for excellent hair care products. While everyone got a chuckle from the toddler’s antics at some point or other, Mrs. Ralston was not amused.
    Howard had become baffled by the arrival of a letter late in the summer; apparently, he informed Lena, Cheryl had some undocumented human-born relatives in South Carolina who had been looking for her for a number of years. Apparently, one of Dr. Lyle Evans’ interns had conveniently uncovered this fact while taking a medical history from a man in Charleston. Lena and Cheryl both acted entirely surprised to find this out, and Howard gave his permission for Cheryl to go to her family if she felt she wanted to, but cautioned her that he most certainly couldn’t leave Waldgrave given the mess other Council members were about to make; she would have to wait until after the Council meeting, at least, before he would be able to take her. Since Lena had strategically asked to get a driver's license for her eighteenth birthday that summer, she offered to take Cheryl as soon as the arrangement was cleared.
    Howard’s eyes landed on her heavily. “I think I’d have to think about that one for a while.”
    Lena tried not to seem too put out. She understood his concern; it seemed that every time she left the house something was bound to go wrong. However, it was abundantly clear that no one had managed to kill her yet. “Okay. Just think about it for a while. And just remember that it’s a luxury trip this time, so no political pressure. If something happens I’ll be home in a heartbeat, without any debate.”
    Everyone went back to eating breakfast. A few seconds later, Devin spoke up in a quiet tone from the other end of the table. He didn’t actually eat meals with them because he was on a special diet, but liked sitting with them all the same. Today, Lena had asked him down with a purpose; he didn’t know everything, but he might as well have. “If you’re worried about them going alone, I could go. I mean, I don’t actually have a license, but I know how to drive. I actually have some human relatives out there. We’re not close, obviously, but I might like to see them if it’s okay with you.”
    Of course, Devin didn’t actually have relatives in South Carolina. Or at least not to his knowledge; his understanding of his biological

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