Secrets of Bearhaven

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Book: Secrets of Bearhaven by K.E. Rocha Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.E. Rocha
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    “The school bell!”
    “We’re going to be late!” Kate and Reggie gasped at the same time, tripping over each other as they scrambled back down the path.
    “Come on, Spencer!” Kate called before disappearing around a bend. “Last one there’s a hibernator!”
    But Spencer didn’t follow. He turned back to the Lab.

Maybe Kate was right, Spencer thought, discouraged. He’d walked the perimeter of the clearing twice, searching the Lab for any sort of entrance, and found nothing. He’d stolen his way up to the side of the dome and circled it again. But even up close he couldn’t find a door or window or hatch anywhere. There wasn’t so much as a crack or seam on the whole thing.
    Spencer rested his forehead against the dome’s cool metal surface. If there wasn’t an entrance on the Lab, maybe there was an entrance under the Lab. Resolving to circle the edge of the clearing again and look for a trapdoor or a hidden tunnel, he took a deep breath and sighed. And then, the metal rippled.
    Eagerly, Spencer pressed against the curved metal with all of his weight, but nothing happened. He ran his fingers along the surface, prodding it, frantically looking for anything that would allow him access. There was nothing.
    “What am I doing wrong?” Spencer muttered. Taking a step back, he examined the spot where he’d felt movement. He had felt movement. He knew he had. It had happened right under his forehead . . .
    Maybe . . .
    Feeling a little silly, he put his forehead in the exact same spot. Nothing happened. He waited. Still nothing.
    “Come on,” he grumbled. And just for a second, he felt a ripple spread across the cool metal and then vanish, like breath on glass.
    Like breath! His breath!
    Spencer lifted his head off the dome and positioned his mouth like he was about to take a big bite out of the surface.
    “Open sesame!” he proclaimed, then filled his lungs and blew hard onto the Lab. The metal wall shimmered and the dimples smoothed out. The area of the wall he’d breathed on became transparent and then seemed to disappear altogether, leaving a ragged hole about the size of Spencer’s head. Through it, Spencer could see what appeared to be an empty lobby with hallways breaking off to both sides.
    Spencer cautiously extended his right hand toward the hole, afraid the wall might snap shut like a Venus flytrap and eat his arm.
    “What the . . . ?” Spencer jerked his hand back.
    Instead of going through the hole, his fingers had been stopped by an invisible film that felt delicate and a little sticky, like a deflated balloon.
    Spencer shook out his hand and stretched his fingers. “Okay, I can do this,” he whispered, and extended his right hand into the hole more forcefully this time. He pushed harder against the film for a moment, and with a slight popping sound, his hand broke through to the other side. He resisted the urge to stop there and examine whatever crazy technology the bears had developed to make this wallpossible, and pushed the rest of his arm through, and then his shoulder. Taking another deep breath, he blew on the wall around the hole, widening the gap until the opening was big enough to fit his entire body.
    This is so cool, Spencer thought, before squeezing his eyes shut and plunging through the wall into the room beyond.
    As he stumbled to regain his balance, he heard a soft crackling sound and watched as the wall re-formed smoothly behind him. Spencer stood still for a moment. It didn’t seem like anyone had heard him break in. “Better not wait and find out,” he muttered as it dawned on him that he needed to find someone he knew before a bear that he didn’t know found him first.
    The broad hallways off the lobby were sleek and white. He started down the left one, staying close to the wall and walking as quietly as he could. The first door he came to was open; Spencer didn’t hear anything and cautiously peeked inside.
    Just as cavernous and white as

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