Secret Obsession

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Book: Secret Obsession by Kimberla Lawson Roby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberla Lawson Roby
and we have a super talented team again this year.”
    “And PJ made half of all the points,” Pierce said, beaming.
    “Really?” Paige said. “Oh my goodness, PJ, I’m really proud of you.”
    “Thanks,” he said, smiling.
    “And once my face heals up a little more, I’ll have to come see you play.”
    “That would be the bomb,” he said.
    Pierce took a seat at the island and sorted through the mail lying on the granite tabletop. “So, have you eaten, Paige? The kids and I stopped at their favorite restaurant, Fuddruckers, and had ostrich burgers.”
    “Actually, I have. I ordered some Italian food a couple of hours ago and had it delivered.”
    “Good,” Pierce said and then looked at his children. “So, who has homework?”
    “We both do, Dad,” PJ said. “And when don’t we?”
    “Well, it’s not like we’re paying all that tuition for nothing, right?”
    “I guess, but Crissy and I have homework every single night and every single weekend. And she’s only in the fifth grade.”
    “But that’s why you guys have excelled so much educationally. And when you’re older, you’ll be glad you went to such an esteemed K–12.”
    “I guess,” PJ said.
    “You’ll see.”
    “So, you’ll be up in a few minutes, Auntie Paige?” Crystal confirmed while grabbing her book bag from the chair.
    “See you, Aunt Paige,” PJ said, and they both went up to their rooms.
    Paige glanced at Pierce and could barely contain herself. She was finally alone with him and was having a hard time trying not to stare at him. He always looked handsome, but for some reason he looked even better to her now, and being this close to him drove her wild. So, as a distraction, she strutted over to the stainless steel double-door refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of Fiji water. She opened it, took a quick drink, and then sat across from Pierce, watching him read what looked to be some banking magazine.
    “So,” she began. “Camille had another meeting tonight, I guess.”
    Pierce didn’t look up but said, “Yeah, and lately that’s pretty much the norm.”
    “Why do you say that?”
    “She’s involved with a lot of organizations, and she has a lot of meetings to attend these days.”
    Paige waited about fifteen seconds and then responded. “Well, actually, I’m going to be honest with you. I mean, I know I shouldn’t be saying this, but Pierce, I’m really worried about you and Camille.”
    “Worried why?”
    Paige drank more of her water. “Can we keep this entire conversation between just the two of us? Because Camille would kill me if she knew I was saying anything to you.”
    “I guess it depends on what it is you have to tell me, because Camille and I have never been in the habit of keeping secrets.”
    “Then maybe I shouldn’t say anything.”
    “Must not be that important, then,” Pierce said, smiling.
    “I think it is, but like I said, if Camille knew I was discussing her marital business behind her back, she wouldn’t be too happy about it.”
    “Okay, just this one time, I won’t repeat what you say. So, what is it?”
    “You promise?”
    “You have my word.”
    “Well, just this afternoon, she was telling me that things haven’t been the greatest between the two of you lately, and that you don’t like all the time she’s been spending away from home.”
    “That’s an understatement.”
    “So, it’s true then.”
    “Very. She’s gone all the time, and we hardly get to spend any time alone together.”
    “I really hate hearing that, Pierce. And just so you know, my advice to her was that she give up all those church activities, school meetings, and that nonprofit she’s been working so closely with.”
    “You told her that?” Pierce said, sounding surprised.
    “I did. I told her that I loved her and that the last thing I wanted was to see her marriage fall apart. I told her how wonderful of a man you were and that nothing was more important than that.”

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