Second Chance

Read Online Second Chance by Rebecca Airies - Free Book Online

Book: Second Chance by Rebecca Airies Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Airies
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction
thinking. It’s there for all to see,” Alek laughed as he brushed his lips across her forehead. “Even if it wasn’t, we would only have to wait a few moments and you would tell us.”
    Laci couldn’t continue her struggles. She was pressed between two large, hard bodies and could barely move, let alone continue the fight. Now, they moved to reignite the flame of desire that had burned before they’d taken her to med-bay. Their hands roved over her, leaving trails of heat everywhere they touched.
    “You’re angry, true, but as for your supposed hatred, I don’t believe that.” Darion’s hot breath brushed across her ear. “You don’t like what we have done, but you will adjust and survive.”
    “Stop telling me what I will do.” Laci pushed fruitlessly against Alek’s chest, trying to create some space to move, but her writhing and twisting only succeeded in causing her shirt to slip off her shoulders. The soft green material bunched between them at her lower back. “I’m not your meek little Satira. You may have made it impossible for me to go home, but that doesn’t mean I have to stay with you.”
    Laci felt her body being lifted between theirs as they came away from the wall. Strong hands urged her legs high until they were hooked around Alek’s waist. Her pussy was pressed against the hard ridge of Alek’s cock. She was held like that for a long moment.
    “Your mouth will undoubtedly land you in trouble, Laci.” Alek’s golden eyes were molten with hot emotion, but the fiery anger swirling in those liquid depths was controlled. “You’re not leaving us. The only way you leave this ship is with one of us. When we’re on any planet, you won’t be away from us. We won’t give you a chance to run.”
    “Tell me you don’t want us, little liar,” Darion challenged as his hips pushed against her buttocks, his hard length riding the cleft between the two soft globes. His

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    hands cupped her breasts, his thumb and forefinger tugging at her nipples while his palms squeezed and caressed. His firm touch changed slowly to a sensual caress.
    “I can smell your heat, Laci. I can see the growing fever in your eyes.” Alek lapped at her lips. His tongue teased the stubbornly closed crease. His hard cock brushed her swollen pussy as he rocked against her.
    Laci wrenched her head to the side. She resisted giving in to her rising desire. “My body doesn’t know what bastards you are. You could have given me a choice. You were part of the scientists’ experiments just as I was, even if you weren’t made.”
    “We won’t lose you, Laci.” Darion smoothed his hands up her ribs and slipped between Alek and Laci to cup the full mounds of her breasts. He was careful to keep her arms pinned at her sides. “The choice was made when you told us that the two types of nano-cytes weren’t compatible.”
    “There could have been a hybrid. It is possible. It would just take time. You could have given…” Laci sighed. She was trying to keep her anger alive enough to cool the fires that the two men ignited, but it wasn’t working.
    “Shh…” Alek placed a kiss on her lips. “No more ‘could haves’. Our nano-cytes are already in your body. The battle has been won. Give me your lips.”
    Laci didn’t move toward him, but she couldn’t resist opening her mouth when his lips brushed hers. His tongue flicked out and swirled over her parted lips. His lips moved over hers in coaxing repetition until she reciprocated. She lapped at his lips, brushing her tongue over his before retreating. His tongue slipped between her lips and she savored that unique taste, so male, so very Alek.
    She relaxed in their embrace. She didn’t notice when the pressure at her arms relaxed or when Darion backed away. Her tongue glided along Alek’s, stroking and teasing. Her arms circled his neck. The mound of her cunt brushed against his hard cock as she rocked against him. Each brush pulled the fiery knot

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