Seasons of Her Life

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Book: Seasons of Her Life by Fern Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fern Michaels
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    â€œNoon! Why? We didn’t ... that’s ten hours,” Ruby said in disbelief.
    â€œWhere were you, Ruby?” Amber asked sweetly.
    Ruby wanted to tell her it was none of her damn business. “I went to the park with Nola and then we went to the movies. Today’s Sunday, so I can do what I want. Where were you, Amber ?” she asked just as sweetly.
    Before Amber could answer, Andrew stepped forward. “I know we didn’t have a date, and I suppose it was foolish of me to hang around all day, but I kind of hoped that you might like to go out. Look, I have to leave or I’ll miss the last bus back to the base. How about next Saturday?”
    â€œShe’d love to go.” Amber bubbled. “Ruby has no plans, do you, Ruby?”
    â€œI’m sorry, Andrew, but I do have other plans. It really was ... nice of you to come all the way up here and wait like you did.” How miserable he looked. How clean and neat and pressed. So very tidy. He was fumbling nervously with his cap and trying to smile. “How about Sunday?” she blurted out.
    â€œYou got a date! How would you like to go to Glen Echo for the day?” Ruby nodded. “Great, I’ll see you next Sunday. Let’s go to church, breakfast, and then head out to the park. Eleven okay?” He turned to Amber, almost as an afterthought. “Do you want to come along?”
    â€œNo.” Amber smiled. “I was there today. Thank you for asking, though.”
    The moment the door closed behind Andrew Blue, Amber reached for her sister’s arm and dragged her to the elevator. “It’s time you and I got a few things straight once and for all.” She punched the button for Ruby’s floor.
    â€œShove it, Amber, we straightened things out the day I beat the hell out of you in my room. Get off my back.”
    Amber shoved Ruby through the door as soon as it slid open, then followed her down the hall.
    Ruby noticed that her sister stood by the door, ready to bolt if need be. She waited.
    â€œOne of the reasons we’re moving out of here is because of you, Ruby. Pop said you can’t be trusted. He called you a sneak and he knows you have ... what he said was you had the makings of a ... a tramp. I have to keep my eye on you, and I can’t do it here with you on one floor and me on another. He’s right, you can sneak out anytime you want. Like today,” she spat out. “I have to call home tomorrow, and I’m not lying for you. And as to this friend of yours, Nola, she can’t be very respectable if she works in Lerner’s and lives by herself.”
    Instinct told Ruby that if she rose to Nola’s defense, Amber would decide that Nola wasn’t to be seen again. She remained tight-lipped, her eyes narrowing dangerously. Amber backed up a step.
    â€œI’ve decided that Andrew Blue is acceptable. You can date him one day of the weekend. I’ll tell Pop he’s okay. He told me all about his family and they’re good Christians. I saw your face when he said he’d take you to church. You’re no good, Ruby. Pop is right; you’re going to go to hell.”
    Ruby advanced a step and stiff-armed the door, preventing Amber from opening it. “You’re right, I probably will go to hell, and you know why? I’m going to kill you, and then they’ll put me in the electric chair, and I’ll laugh all the way down. Make sure you tell Pop.”
    â€œI’m going to tell him everything. Everything,” Amber screeched. “Your mouth is like a sewer!”
    To the best of Ruby’s knowledge, she’d never openly said anything worse than shit or damn . Now she let loose. “Sewer! You want to hear sewer, Amber? I’ll tell you what I’ve learned. Captain Dennison says fuck seventy times a day. His boss calls all women cunts. The enlisted men call everyone assholes, and Admiral Mallory thinks everyone walking the

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